Having read JL#1 they are smoke pellets to obscure his chasers!

Yeah... ever since the doc crossed over two-three episodes ago, it established them in the same universe. So Jink, Leena and Pete "abilities" would now be classified as Alpha powers. I however, wouldn't put Claudia as an Alpha... She is just super-super smart.. Which puts her in the Eureka crowd and not the Alpha

Marvel has a whole series of Point One issues. Which are great starting points for newbies.

Holy cow... I never made the connection.

She did mention something about how jinks couldn't catch a fake accent. So maybe there was inside joke to it.

I think he is going to go "rouge" but it really turns out he is playing a double agent for the warehouse.

Nah.. there was no M.A.D. Cat on his arm rest.

Yeah, they have stated that all the regents were agents at one point. But I guess not all regents are equal.

I am calling it... You heard it first here folks!

Yeah, I bet they would have gotten along really well.

NOOO!!!!!!!! If we leave now... we will never go back! Maybe SpaceX can move up their launch of the Dragon Capsule a month early!

So I just read the legal text on the book. Awesome!

Leave it to a woman (robot) to cut you off before you finish a sentence and not even listen to you.

Interesting thought, but one problem. The person on the hill was Canton Everett Delaware III played by W. Morgan Sheppard father of Mark Sheppard who played CEDIII in 1960s

So I am confused... Did somebody suggest this??

Yeah, the fact he brings up Praxis is really odd, since that happened almost a century before Voyager. And the only true recent repercussion should be the destruction of Romulas.

It isn't listed here, but according to SlashFilm it is in the Prime Timeline. so Romulas should still be destroyed.

That is what I want to know!

Little known??? Everybody knows that!

The Lego Racer line is almost what you are asking for. Give it time, and maybe TT could try their hand at it, since most of their major Lego Licences are done.