You can find a lot of them on DVD, Netflix, etc.... There are however a few missing from the first and second doctor, but other than that... you can find them.

Muppets... Yeah!!!

I have been planning something like this for a while... Now I just have to wait until my kids are old enough for it.

Man.. I hate when the F-15s get out... they are a hassle to round back up in put in their cage.

"We're still working on the script for Sin City 2." So how long have they been working on this script? because it seems like they have been saying that well since day 1 after Sin City released in theaters.

I'm confused by your statement.... a.) are you confused by the amount of Super-heroes information on a site about Comics and Movies?? b.) Do you think Marvel owns Batman and Superman?

I am pretty sure the FCC has more to do with this than cable companies.

I feel most of these replies make me think most people failed to catch what I was saying. All I did was simply paraphrase a few lines from the movie of Armageddon, where they talk about "why not just shoot a nuke at the asteroid" In which the smart dude replied something along the lines of what I said.

The two levels are as followed... 1st level would be him taking pictures of him walking around and taking pictures. 2nd level would be him and his friends putting those pictures in the frame.

Exactly! And it was because of the way GL/LA, and the Clone Wars dealt with the Mandalorians which made Karen leave the Star Wars Universe! Which is just a shame, she was a really good writer!

Uhm.... wouldn't this be like shooting a BB at a passing freight train? I thought we need to close our hand around the firecracker, so our wives would have to be opening up all our ketchup bottles?

uhm... where have you been... They have been on Eureka for the past three-four episodes. Ever since it came back!

I see what you mean.... I think they look fine. The design reminds me of another type of ship. I just can't think of where I have seen it.

" scorpion-like extensions" are you talking about the crane holding up the batwing? I am pretty that will be shopped out.

WTF is there to spoil? there is nothing about plot, characters, etc.... it is just the batwing flying/driving down a street and hitting a building.

Wait... was that a mandalorian??? Like a real Mandalorian that Karen Traviss wrote about?

Yes, the original was written for Star Trek, and may have been original written for Amok Time, but it is used in almost all fights scenes since it appeared on the show.

I know that... but in ME1 my party pretty much did nothing expect be cannon-fodder!

I have some issues with this episode... it was alright... but it wasn't the greatest.... Like someone else mention... I find it hard for Fargo to use an artifact knowing what can happen.

Wait... when did ME become a Squad game?