While I am not saying this site IS a phishing site, I am just going to say that some of your "proof" is still circumstantial and easy to forge.

When you start season 3, really push through the middle... it gets pretty boring, but the last 6-8 episodes do pay off!

This was a better list then some of the others. because a.) I didn't know some of them, and b.) they were pretty interesting facts!

Why not read the second book while you wait?

OMFG!!!! IT BURNS IT BURNS!!!!! Give me photoshop'd any day!

Wasn't this a movie? I feel I have seen this in a movie some where... Massive hacking attempt, that ended with a police car flying into a helicopter and the words "yippee ki yay mother *****" be said?

Yeah, I guess there are 21 sequels and they are working on #22

As i sit watching the last harry potter trailer ever... i got to ask... has there been any other franchise that has been able to make 8 high successful sequels?

I wanted to name my daughter Zelda, but my wife wouldn't let me. You have to be crazy or a celebrity to get by naming your kid after a video game character.

Call it John Carter all you want... I will always add the "of mars" part. It has become habit for me to refer to this movie as "John Carter of Mars."

One thing a lot of people do not seem to understand is MegaBlocks does a lot of "custom parts" for their sets. Example the figures that come with the Halo sets are one piece, you can not mix and match parts like you can with the Lego Minifigs. Same with the models. Where as the main point with Lego is to use your

I agree, someone needs to tweet this to Steven Moffat and Matt Smith.

I have a friend who works at Kfor, just sent her a message asking for the logic behind using that clip.