Uhm.....no..... However, some of the songs sound like they came from Lion King!

Man, we sure do love our Doctor!

I came here to say something similar.... it was very disturbing...

Any word on if there will be a monthly fee.... That is what would keep me from playing SWTOR.

So what is the point in having a circle office space?

Why? It isn't a top secret base or anything. Everybody knows about it.

What, Colossus was one of my favorite X-men, next to NightCrawler....

oh common... I will give you credit that the movie sucked.... but the original Joss Whedon story arc "Gifted" that X3 was based off of was really good. Besides the fact it re-introduced Colossus after his death four years earlier.

You do not have to stay that way... that was the whole point of the X3 and the comic arc it was based off of.

Ahh... i stopped playing Halo after 3... never played OSTD/Wars/Reach

I thought Bungie said they are through with the Halo verse.

We are not the original species, but we helped create them. It was stated in Star Trek: TMP that V'ger found a race of machines, they then sent V'ger back to earth to meet and merge with their creator to become perfect. This is exactly what the Borg do! And while it hasn't been confirmed within cannon, I do believe it

In Oklahoma we have to pay state sales tax on things bought online. When we fill out our State Income Tax each year, there is a line for it.

Or... advance aliens will find them and send them back home to meet their creator thus creating the borg!

Yeah they were!

I think this is a good idea. I know Daleks are supposed to be what nightmares are made of, but really I never found them "OMG We are All going to DIE!!!" The Silence and Angles are more creepy and scarier then the Daleks.

Like others have said, a "press start" would have been nice. But so would some gameplay. However, I bet there would be a market for this game if something was made!

What about these guys?

Really, I thought half the time they make crap up. Like two weeks ago, we had storm chasers from all over the US come to Oklahoma for the "Storm of the Century" only for it to not do anything. Now two days ago... that is a different story.

Which is really odd. We should see something when night falls. I wonder why type of cameras/sensors they are using.