‘Here’s how much a federal jury awarded the mother of a Black man shot to death by two local cops.’

I went with my son. Even if he does not have any cultural referencea with the history of Spiderman, he had fun.

It’s because you’re on the other side of the world from the U.S., so everything is time-shifted. For example, it’s winter for you while it’s summer for Texas.

I wonder where the energy was from these same white women when it came to light how white girls were stealing daces from Black creators and gaining enough popularity from that theft to be featured on national television...

It’s not surprising. I live in Georgia, and Georgia is not really a swing state. It’s a Red State that hates Trump. Brian Kemp, the Governor, won in basically a landslide. It speaks to how terrible Walker was as a candidate.

No Rakim? No MF Doom? No Eminem? 

I’m sure this list is exclusively black for a reason, but if you’re gonna ignore Eminem after he set an extremely high bar in storytelling with “Kim” and “Stan” back on the he Marshall Mathers LP, then you absolutely cannot exclude Rakim.

18 years, 18 years, she got 4 of yo kids, she getting $200 G’s a month!”

Do you make life/health decisions based on what actors do or don’t do? How many people do you know who didn’t take the vaccine because this one actor didn’t get vaccinated? If you die because of something that you didn’t do based on an actor’s actions, then you must be too dumb to live anyway.

I did find it amusing that in the beginning of the movie, she's basically trying to make a vaccine that was only 29% effective.

Leave her alone about this. Uggh. If someone refuses the vaccine, that is their INFORMED choice. Just like it is an informed choice to receive it. All the data on vaccines is widely available. How dare anyone establish Letitia as some kind of pied piper. I follow tennis, but I did not let Novak Djokovic decide my

Well hey, a little art history show ’n tell is in order I guess, though the episode title is ultimately a great deal more subtle than merely a knowing tongue-in-cheek pun.

You wrote an article about Right Said Fred in 2022.  I think they get the W on this one...

Yes, he does have a more extensive catalog overall, including 2x No.1 and Top 10 Billboard singles. Usher didn’t really hit in 1997 (My Way) and Alicia Keys hit in 2001 (Song in A Minor) so I think of them as roughly contemporaries (he had two singles prior that made like top 50-60 but that album sold 500k and there

Glad he’s finally able to say how he feels. But Tev, we knew.

Even as someone who describes himself as “regular black,” I don’t see how this show is meant for anyone else more than for black people. It’s one of the blackest things I’ve ever seen. 

BLACK COFFEE executive producer. All these words to say Drake made a House album. 

Well. There’s the “feel good” story we’ve all been looking for.

Yeah, I mean MAYBE Neeson actually feels that way, but the fact remains he was working off a script.

Atlanta goes over MANY people’s heads. Some of the criticism misses the wry humor and social commentary.