Yep, this is Brian’s Emmy episode.

I’d argue that it’s the other way around: It shows how unprotected Black women are. No way in hell would Chris Rock have made that joke about a white woman suffering from a serious medical condition.

Because it’s not like hair is hugely important to Black women, and how we’re percieved.

Wow. Turned out...fair?  Im suprised.

There are a lot of white people that can’t believe that any BIPOC can accomplish anything without affirmative action or some other shortcut. This is why I consistently deal with idiots that ask me in professional settings “What sport did you play at Miami?”, as if it’s beyond impossible for a Black man to be admitted

BREAKING: Wealthy Gen-Z Privilege Baby Talks Himself Through Hilariously Unrelatable Problems, Exclusive Film at 11

“This means that every film and TV show must come out in a certain order for it to all make sense.”

Street View always blurs out any people that end up in the pics. Clearly, Drake is up in that tree keeping lookout, expecting Kanye & Co. coming to get him.

Capone -> Syphilis -> Tax Evasion.

Still, Sheeley went on to say that Franklin wasn’t taking her medication because she was pregnant and she worried about how it might affect her child,

This is a deleted scene from "Nobody," right?

I can believe this happened to him because similar things have happened to me in an office setting. What burns like acid in your stomach is that you had inklings there was shit in thr game early on. But you think,”Why would they want to see me fail? They hired me or I’m making money/doing well and their reputation

Oh I know. Big Mo Salah fan.

I’ll just leave this here.

I took that statement as a truism and not a criticism

If Democrats are to “blame” for slavery then shouldn’t Democrats get to say what happens to these statues?

I was JUST talking about how film and TV STAY perpetuating imagery depicting Black men with lightskinned/exotic/white women as a subversive tool to keep more melanated women at the bottom of the dating totem pole. I’ll wait while you compile a list of Black couples on TV that are roughly the same skin tone. Sure, it

I have never heard of TKA. Ever.

Joke’s on you, 70% of them don’t have necks. 

Boy, he really did Nazi that coming, huh?