
So Diddy has done a Benz commercial now?


Glad they did this. They were relying on the time invalidation system built into the game that usually catches you trying to cut corners. This was clearly a fault of that system, because those are much more severe corner cuts than what i've been invalidated on during time trial runs on other tracks. Since it saved so

Looking forward to this in the morning. (and i'm kinda using this to test my ability to see my own posts outside of my profile page).

@CaptainJack: but but poking fun at their processed cheese slices is so much more entertaining!

Mmm, aged processed, pressed cheese slices..

You're right. We don't haggle.

This is not the first picture of Webber i've seen where he looks like he's gotta poop.

It's a shame I can barely read the text on the image, even at it's largest size on Flickr.

Very excited about this series. I loved the "what's in our laptop bags" edition. I upgraded my own system based on multiple ideas gathered from the LH staff. Eager to see what I can get out of this series.

I never liked the style/design of the standard shoe model, but in the case of these boots, I think it's even worse. It looks way too much like those giant knitted toe socks.

I'm super excited about seeing the Abarth hit our shores.

The best part about it is it's used for aerobatics.

Man, i'm glad to see that rock climbing has such a high amount compared some other common activities I might do. I just don't think i'm getting that kind of benefit out of it considering it's tough to do the activity for more than short bursts at the gym I go to.

Many a regrettable deeds would be done to obtain this car. Paying 60k (or doing said deeds to obtain 60k) is not one of them.

Yo dawg, we put a TV in your Touareg so you can watch a Touareg drive over sand dunes while you drive over sand dunes.

If my dreams consist of this car, i'll certainly need a magic morning to solve the problem that will arise overnight.

I still love the car, but you can't deny it.

Well, it might trick all the NASCAR rednecks into watching an F1 race if one ever comes back to the US!

@SerialThriller: I've had it more than a few times before, but i'm not into the typical energy drinks, so I don't really touch the stuff anymore. But their livery just doesn't get old with me.