I'm just glad I won't have to see it in F1. Bernie will never allow advertising for money he doesn't understand how to exploit.
I'm just glad I won't have to see it in F1. Bernie will never allow advertising for money he doesn't understand how to exploit.
My boyfriend and I don't agree on our answers to all of these questions but you know what, we're going to make it anyway. We're going to do it the same way our grandparents' generation did by just sucking it up and sticking together out of spite all the way though the lovey-dovey stage, into the annoyed stage, and…
Message has been sent and hopefully received. He'll get the sentence reduced on appeal. The original sentence gets plastered all over the media. The reduced sentence is buried on page 12E, is not noticed by anyone who cares.
Designer, ze algorithm has determined that ze optimal number of cylinders is 7.41 and the optimum number of turbochargers is 1.87. Design ze car around this.
My superpowers come from your tears.
Let's just go ahead and change your post to "I don't like cruises and am not particularly interested in articles about them, but I clicked the link anyway and posted a snarky comment because I just can't resist trolling..."
Oh, no! Please don't ask people to send pics of their Speedos.
These videos are playing at quadrupole speed for me. Anyone else having thus issue?
Are anyone else's videos playing at super sonic speed?
They actually broadcast the closing ceremonies? You mean they didn't try to cram even more goddamn figure skating into Primetime?
or, on the other hand as both a car enthusiast and avid cyclist I learned that there are tards in cars and tards on bikes but that doesn't mean that all drivers or all cyclists are tards. Take the good with the bad, try and be safe and enjoy the ride.
Thanks for making cyclists look like idiots, you fucking moron.
As with car enthusiasts, there are varying types of cyclists. Having just gotten into bicycling in the past year, I've had a chance to see a whole variety of them, ranging from the exercise cyclists who seem to basically expect cars to do the stupidest thing possible, and thus don't let it get to them (having ridden…
"I can see them from my house!"
You're probably wondering, as I was, how Amazon scored. Unfortunately, not well (-40 vs. Apple's perfect 100 score). Looking at the raw data, which you can download in a zip file here, Amazon was dinged for: allowing a minimum 6 character password, not sending a new account confirmation email, accepting a range of…
Love Terry, hate that SUV thing.
Given my experience with some VW's: The rainbow you see at 200K miles leads to the pot of gold in the back office of the service shop...