
I'm a sucker for a RedBull-liveried car. Fucking awesome start to the morning.

Really? They couldn't pick a better color combination as a promo picture? Horrible.

New buttons are AWESUM!

Please please no...it looks chubby!

To me, Ferrari should always and will always be a drivers car. FR or MR.

Want one. It's less practical to have than a billiards table (which I don't have room for either..), but god dammit I want to play this game.

That was not the opinion I was expecting from a TGUK host..

Hell, i'd be upset too if the kid punted me from behind a few times and still ends up winning the trophy before I ever did, even when I had been racing in F1 for nine years.

Damn Ferrari butt slurpers.

best name ever. And it's pretty badass looking.

I'm not even middle-aged yet(24), and I want to upgrade to this from my 07 GTI. It's like a combination of all that I want from a car. Wagon, turbo, DSG, classy interior, not massive.

@badhatharry: Per this link, looks like just two fairly talented guys. And i'm pretty sure more actual maintenance/repair/fabrication goes on at Jay's garage.

I got through step 18ish with just minor, vague help from their IRC channel. Then I realized it was 2 AM and cheated my way to the rest. Very creative though.

Four people just running that garage?

'89 Red Honda CRX. It's likely why I have a love for hot hatches.

Coffee makers only need one feature.

Can we get a Jalopnik timeshare going?

@Platypus Man: It looks like it might just be no ads.

@AmphetamineCrown: My 2 y.o. niece can't really comprehend games yet, but I can give her DoodleBuddy set to a stamp(that makes sounds when you use it) or paintbrush and she really enjoys it. And it's free.

Cadillac hotel eh? I know who i'm pointing fingers at..