Hell, i'd be pretty upset myself if I got to visit that show and didn't get to blow anything up.
Hell, i'd be pretty upset myself if I got to visit that show and didn't get to blow anything up.
You could hide a family of illegal immigrants in that wheel gap.
@freedomweasel: The thought of only eating two oreos/cookies/etc upsets me.
I know I fall into this trap. I'll be snacking while on my computer and next thing I know, the bag of Goldfish or Ritz Chips I opened is empty
I don't see a reason to go to a Verizon store to buy a WiFi iPad with so many more common store options now.
'89 CRX Si. I loved riding in that car until some bitch decided to merge illegally into the passenger side door.
I respect this guys life choice, I know I couldn't do it.
At work we always just would hang the mouse over the edge of the desk and it worked to get around our hard 15-min Novell lock. For the most part it's just optical mice here though.
Apparently a bunch of our laptops here at work do that. I used to help users all the time who ended up connecting to them. We don't think they're spreading anything malicious, thankfully.
I love U-shaped desk setups. Any idea the brand of that desk?
The only problem I had the the original story was the ammonia blurb. Knowing that it was likely a lie i'm content with this industry. The last time I ate chicken that was in this processed form was when I was probably in middle school and still ate McD/BK nuggets.
Cut the Rope is amazing. It could be a bit harder, but not "OMFG i'm tired of replaying this Angry Birds level 300 times to get 3 stars" hard. I look forward to see how difficult the future levels are.
@OptionalJoystick: I don't mine much gravel as is, so I haven't tested that either. Then again, I am still pretty early in my survival save so it could pick up by the time the update rolls out.
@OptionalJoystick: I'm a bit undecided because I haven't seen/heard what the materials are for the lanterns. I'm certainly unhappy about needing flint and steel to relight them, as I don't find much flint. And this might affect airlock setups too, right?
3 is just sad and makes no sense.
I am addicted to Minecraft. That is all.
Perfect! Just changed jobs and my new position has me working with mainframe interfaces where i'm doing lots of number work.
@DooDaBeeDooBaa: It's basically a castrated GTI, so yeah, i'm pretty sure they kept it.
@fhrblig: I don't like the MK6 version with black metallic painted inner sections, but the MK5 version with a lighter color gray internals looks great.