
As much as I want him to convert this into a poster so I can hang it next to my "why I believe printers were sent from hell" poster, I know that it just won't work (too wordy). A shame too.

I misread the 3rd paragraph as him trying to pull a "Fast and the Furious" and cut under a semi's trailer.

lol at the monkey ass bell housing. Otherwise, i'd totally buy one.

Looks interesting. That upside-down wing is kinda cool.

Ugh, the camera mount rattle made the video tough to listen to

'bagged German cars are a beautiful thing. I came.

I'll run out and buy an iPad immediately if dual-boot becomes feasible.

My only real response for this blog post is this link.

I really hope that basement has plans for an amazing man-cave.

They really need to work on all of the big 3 (performance, compatibility, and to the lesser extent, interface). It's a great option for quick, simple and unimportant jobs and as a primary tool for smaller OS's like Ubuntu, but it is still very disconnected from the world in terms of being worth the cost savings over

Tempting, as i've always been itching to learn basic electronics tinkering, but i'm not sure I like the price of that kit compared to what you get

Ahh The Guild, didn't even know S4 was playing since they haven't been put up on Youtube yet, where i've watched the past seasons.

@alextsmith: But only a master concept artist has the ability to change the text on the front plate!

Is it wrong for me to scoff at 2 and 4 GB flash drives as being too small now? I'm so used to 8GB+ that I don't think I could go to a smaller capacity anymore

Looks like a Google engineer left a bag of the super secret Google Mackerel in a bar!

Anyone have any suggestions for a good set of headphones for a work environment? I'm changing roles on Monday and my first few weeks will be a lot of web-based training, and unfortunately my new desk is surrounded by call-center associates.

I'll shed tears if the vote drops below 90% for CP.

I just tried to build the binder clip phone cradle, and thanks to the crappy chinese made clips we have in my office, it's not working out as expected.

Pipe. I don't want a New Beetle period, but especially one that looks like it has buck teeth.