
I'll take one, with a pair of lifts built in.

Used: Miata

@Hiram-Q-Pustule: Believe me, these boxes of drives have been a thorn in my side for a while, and about the only thing keeping me from putting them on their office desk is the fact that i'd have to ship them to Illinois. That would piss them off enough that i'd get fired (Florida being one of those wonky at-will

@samweber: Thanks! Called them, they do provide the service so they're gonna call be back with a quote.

My company has a few large boxes of IDE hard drives that we can't erase securely using software means (aka they're bad, unreadable drives to a computer). Before we dispose of them, they have to be erased in some way by security policy.

@Frank Bonavitacola: I just did the change without thinking, removed the old feed from my subscriptions in GReader and I still have all my starred articles.

Windows updates always breaks something, so I tend to do the critical updates very occasionally.

so his screen name is ICULOOKN?

I've always been tempted to use one of these in a blender with ice to try and make a real SBux Frappe. I tried one of these once and it tastes basically like a watery, melted milkshake.

@Bonsai_halcyon: It's delicious. Though I am betting the majority of that fat content is from the ranch dip, which I don't use. I'll admit you can definitely taste that amount of sodium, but they're soooo good I don't think i'll be able to give them up.

That's just absurd!

I prefer using an egg carton or the egg carton-like foam when I disassemble laptops at work. I don't think the index card idea works well for really short screws commonly found in laptops.

I love how the springs start rotating about halfway through the video

Seems way too similar to the GTI to even be worth it State-side. Sure, it's twincharged, but it's still producing less power than a GTI and due to the smaller displacement, probably has a lower tuning ceiling. I don't think the DSG really needs a 7th gear. The differential does sound interesting though.

Bookmarked this for when my free 3 month Prime trial runs out at the end of next month. I'm going to miss Prime..

So apparently I dont have a Google Profile because the link sends me to a Create Your Profile page for it.

@njdevil: I love this part of the filter options in Gmail. I have mine archive but not mark as read, then using one of my multiple inboxes set to the Facebook label, I can watch notifications without having to wade through them on my phone.

@gumbymac: Looks like a Seagate external hard drive

thank you so much for putting up pics/info on your Flickr for that airport base.

@Bonsai_halcyon: Time for them to get with the times. My corporation is on IE6 and I absolutely hate it.