That bezel is way too thick for me. The pricing is a bit much for me since i'd want 3G. I do like the non-contract 3G plans though, even if the carrier sucks.
That bezel is way too thick for me. The pricing is a bit much for me since i'd want 3G. I do like the non-contract 3G plans though, even if the carrier sucks.
Good timing. My stepfather just got into leather art (or whatever it's called, the real name escapes me). I might get him to make me a set of these.
This is cool, since it's pretty much the first car to do this.
Can you even purchase a GOOD P&S camera these days that's under 7 MP? While I understand the concept, I can't agree with using older hardware just to meet that requirement.
@Room101: Wow. Story of my life. Seriously. I'm 23 1/2, work IT, and went from a 32 to a 36 waist in a year. Before IT, I worked for 5 years as a stock clerk for a grocery store.
Being in IT has it's ups and downs. On the upside, I have the access to use Firefox for myself. On the downside, I support 1400 users who run IE6 and run a variety of various web applications, each requiring it's own complex installation pattern of Java JRE's.
I just bought a printer today.
No Versus, no coverage. I miss the days when this was on SPEED.
@Darrell.Raines: Agreed. Android is inching closer but i'm still too attached to a lot of the iPhone's more multimedia-focused features that Android lacks.
God bless iFixIt
@Marand: Thanks for that. I knew that it a redirect page was an option, but I kinda thought about avoiding it since it's not too elegant to see that page before it loads.
Refinish (powdercoat and reassemble) the damn AMG wheels i've had in my garage since last Christmas.
@Buster Friendly: That does not work. It strangely does the exact same thing as if both domains are pointing to the /blog/ directory.
Interesting. I too am a habitual fidgeter. I can't lay in bed, sit in a chair or stand in any one position for more than 10-15 minutes without moving. I constantly pop my legs up and down using the ball of my foot while sitting.
So, being a tech graduate as of 2 weeks ago, I decided I really needed a personal "about me" website showing up on Google. Bought 2 domains (variations of my name) and hosting from
I'm fucking embarrassed to own the same generation of GTI as this fuckwad.
spiced rum in a Mojito? Is that a variation i'm not familiar with? I always make mine with clear rum.
I understand that it might be a bit hard to do on a wine glass, but I certainly don't like having to stare at that battery clinging to the foot.
Pipe, but not by much. That DMV issue is sketchy and the price a bit high for 240k.