It’s it's not mentioned because it's not happening.

I was under the impression that this occurred because of the user data request, in that the person packaging up the data for the request was the one that screwed up. Nothing lead me to believe that the system itself crossed the wires, and it was just human error during fulfillment of the request.

You can do that without storing the recordings though. Once again, after the recording is analyzed for the request or your “keywords”, delete it. The actual recording doesn’t need to be kept. 

Oh FFS can we PLEASE convert to chip and pin already?

And you think Batman v. Superman is a better movie than Avengers, so you need to stop watching films on hallucinogens. Avengers isn’t perfect, but BvS is a dumpster fire.

So you’re the person who liked BvS! It’s like finding a Sumatran Rhino!

weak casting

I care about Steve, not just Cap.

I could have done without Iron Man 3.

I dunno, that lab facehugger was a real dick.

Yes, unlimited data ON YOUR PHONE. Not on a tethered device. It’s right in the contract. You don’t like it so you do a work arround and then cry foul when you get caught gaming the system.

Isn’t it unlimited for phone data and explicitly limited to 7gb of tethered data? So if one is gaming the system by tethering their house for a terabyte or more, and TMo cracks down on it, it would seem Tmo is just finally enforcing rules that were already there?

The nomination thread prompted me to go and get a Logitech Harmony 650 off of Amazon to replace 5 remotes I have in my upstairs loft (TV, Soundbar, HDMI switch, Smart Blu-Ray player, Amazon Fire stick). It can’t replace the Amazon Fire stick since it is RF, but it does what it does admirably and there’s no way I’m

There’s a big difference in “tweets supporting ISIS” and facilitating the transfer of money and recruits to ISIS, which is what he’s going to jail for.

Vote: Harmony One
Why: Unfortunately discontinued by the manufacturer (Logitech), the Harmony One is a large, very comfortable remote with completely customizable buttons. It also has a touchscreen to pick the desired activity and then to have pages of six “soft” buttons in addition to the physical ones. You can also

Easy to program, rechargeable battery, custom lcd screen, hard buttons for dark rooms, comfortable in your hand. I love this remote.

Why LOVE one but EAT the other?

Agreed. How am I supposed to goof off at work if everything is a video. :/

So why does everything have to be a video now? Why can’t I just read a list of these things with some brief description? I really hope this ‘video for everything’ trend dies soon.

All I can think of when I hear stories like this is how utterly sad and pathetic these people’s lives must be to bring them to act that way. How totally trapped they must feel every waking minute. How frustrated. How ineffectual. When you go off like that in public, you are screaming to everyone within earshot that