It does.

not but he’ll die of cancer in shitty smelling clothes.

It doesn’t surprise me there’s no solid correlation between vaping and quitting. To quit, you have to want to quit, but people who decide to vape have decided to vape — it was never a decision to quit.

Just want to add my 2 cents here, I smoked Camels for 20+yrs, and while I didn’t try to quit a lot—I did try a good handful of times of more (like 6-8 times probably). “Try” being the key word, I didn’t get very far (I have quit other things too considered “highly addictive” but I’ve never been able to stop smoking,

No such thing as “safe sex,” either, but anyone who manages to reducing their damage by switching to e-cigs over tobacco products is doing better than they were.

I don’t think you understand the definition of “anecdote.”

Anecdotal evidence, YMMV: I struggled to quit smoking for over a decade (i’m 39 now). I switched to vaping, which gave me nicotine in smaller doses, rather than cigarette-sized doses, and eventually weened myself entirely from the vaporizer. It was a painless and natural progression from smoking, to vaping, to

I was a 1/2 a pack a day smoker for about 20 years until 3/29/2014 when i got my first e-cig. I feel soo much better than i did when i was smoking. I dont get brochitis anymore like before. Ive lowered my nicotine dosage to the lowest you can go (3mg) id say e-cigs are a success.

Is it that freaking hard to use common sense and not reach for something with exposed rotors spinning fast enough to sustain flight?

Except there is a debate because of the binary nature of computers. When we talk of the current generation of 4K TVs we are talking about 4096 pixel resolution, not 4000.

Macs have great trackpads for multi touch. You don't have to raise your arm to use it and you keep your screen fingerprint free.

No multi-touch is a deal-breaker. Sorry. Once you get use to that, you can't imagine living without it.

Dated jab is dated. Companies are more open these days to offering Mac versions of their games, and you have plenty of emulation options available from BootCamp to Parallels or VMWare Fusion, or CrossOver, etc.

Absolutely nothing. And a horrible non-intuitive interface, to boot.

Right! Wait...., what all is possible to do on Windows 8.1, that isn't possible on OS X??

Windows 8.x is the worst thing I've ever seen in an OS, and I've used GeOS. I really hope that 10 is the improvement they say it is.

BootCamp would like a word with you.

I have been using a 2011 mid-tier stock 24" iMac without any issue with zero maintenance in a hot humid dusty Asian country. I'm pretty sure very few machines from other brands can match that.