Carcharodon Carcharias

RAZR. It was kool back in the day.

I'm in. This is my next purchase of technology.

"the middle of nowhere or anything" is the name of my next novel. thanks.

On your motorcycle too? ;-)

Android love? No?

Try drinking a bunch. They can't have a good time with alcohol in the blood. Unless they're partying and heading back to the mosquito orgy.

What the hell is Haitch Dee?

I have a Les Paul studio from way back in '87. Picked up a Martin acoustic back in '99. Purchased Rocksmith yesterday just to see if it has any beef to it. My next guitar is a Strat for sure. No question. I think every guitar (save the knockoffs and cheapos) has its merit.

I used to give quite a bit of latitude to the copywriters at Giz. However, this is ridiculous. Can you guys write or proof at all? Anything? I can barely read your stories anymore. I come here mostly for the comments. Come on Giz.

Oddly enough, stairs are a terrible waste of interior volume. Look at how much area a staircase takes up. What's beneath a typical set of stairs? Either more stairs or storage. Not that we can't use storage...but you know...

OK. A great place to discuss a topic I've never understood. My ex...every single time I would ask her how she was doing, she would have a problem...my back hurts, my neck hurts, I have a headache, this is bugging me, that is bugging me. She NEVER felt good. I never asked her how she was doing and got a positive

I concur. But I'm biased.

Here's one. It just snowed a foot here east of the Rockies. If your fridge is packed, just throw the extras in the snowdrift. Done. Deal.

Yep. Worked. The trick is to first sign out of your Google account and then sign in as required. It is working. Got my free ten bucks from the big G. Now I just have to find a merchant that accepts electronic payments. Thanks everyone.

No dice for me. Unrooted. Stock VZW Galaxy Nexus. I hope this is resolved soon. I'd love to have the ability to pay with my phone...for some reason...just to say I can...???

My 2006 50" Plasma is still ridiculously awesome. I would buy another one, but I don't need one...yet.

Nice message. Thank you. I'm actually with my daughter now. Even she can't keep me from being a fantastic father. As my daughter (5) grows and matures, I fully expect her to see her mother for who she is and eventually reside with me. At least that is the hope to which I cling. She was insecure. She will always be

My advice? Don't share your passwords. Ever.

I know. Halfway through the vid, I was humming along. More paying attention to the music than him.