Don’t forget to shop around for rates. You are literally “buying” money, so the same as any other purchase, do the research and compare all the aspects of the loan/card.
The GOP vote for a Dem bill because it is good for the country or even their constituents? No way in hell.
Haaaaa good one!!!
Was The Princess Bride too obvious for everyone?
I generally write mine up and keep it in Word, but I only send them that if explicitly asked. Whenever I want to send the PDF version, I immediately print the Word doc as a PDF, send/attach/upload it, and then delete the PDF (unless I’m doing anonther one immediately after). This ensures that the PDF is always…
You’ll enjoy this from Car and Driver circa 2010
The “average rom-com” remark was trademark mean-girl affectation. It has nothing to do with anything else in the article. If Aniston were an above-average rom-com star, would it validate her concern about Kanye?
I remember when a certain idiot declared “like magic, it will disappear” by summer.
For me, the final nail in the coffin was when it became acceptable for literally to mean figuratively.
Let’s tackle people spelling “lose” as “loose” first.
I’d add electronics to this list. The cheap bottom of the line stuff just isn’t worth it. Spend a bit more to get one step below the top of the line and it will last you long enough to make the extra expense worth it.
I second this behavior.
Driving west into the sun one afternoon years ago, my then 2 year old was fidgeting in the back of the car. After a couple of minutes of discomfort he said, “Daddy, this fucking sun is hurting my eyes”. Could not fault him for using the right words in the right context.
Haha I know the feeling! It’s like a little secret challenge.
Total Wireless. $25 a month, unlimited calling and text. Data cards are $10 for 5 GB and never expire. I don’t for the life me understand why people are spending $100+ on cellphone plans.
I’ve been on Fi for almost a year, and I actually get a little angry with myself when my bill cracks $40.