Carcharodon Carcharias

Guess what...I walked into the store with cash in hand. Asked if they had one. They did. It looked pretty fracking sweet. Asked the lady how much it costs. She said, $300 for new customers and $320 for an upgrade. I stared at her and said, "What's with the extra twenty dollars." She replied. I simply said, "That is

Question: I signed up for the Droid Incredible on April 29, 2010. (Obviously, that's not the question.) My upgrade date is December 29. What are the chances I walk into a Verizon store tomorrow and they forego the next couple of weeks of my obligation to sign me up immediately?

The best life is that lived without negativity. My ex does not exist to me. When we exchange our daughter, she is merely the transport that brought me my dearest love. That is all. It drives her absolutely crazy.

Now you're weeping shades of cozened indigo

I asked for Legos almost every year and got them. Many a winter day spent building the weirdest stuff. Like a car with a level for every one of my siblings. I buy my daughter Legos now just so I can play with them. We have a great time building houses.

1. That's a channel lock, not a pair of pliers.

Nice catch. Also, if we're being picky, that's a framing hammer. Claw hammers have a much more curved nail remover.

My goal is to one day be in the presence of such majestic visceral fear of nature. I love sharks and white sharks are the ultimate predator. That's my goal. Anyone want to come along?

My mother bought a Palm Pre and she loves it. As a tech, I own all sorts of devices. I actually enjoyed learning the OS to help her do the things she needs to do. She would have signed on for another WebOS device in a heartbeat. But alas...

Must've been in an Apple store?

I remember. They were like $350 of 1982 money. And the DC adapter. And the cassette insert. It was wicked kool back in the day.

Hell, I remember calling the radio station requesting Foolin' by Def Leppard, sitting by the radio praying the DJ wouldn't talk over the intro or outro, push the play AND record buttons, and sit tight enjoying the song...but not really...because I couldn't relax knowing I had to stop that recording before the DJ

Bahahahaha! Juno. I forgot all about that service. Wow! Thanks for the memory.

I got into this the other day with a dude that defended someone for using the wrong terminology based on the fact that the understanding of the meaning (conjecture) was coherent enough to be assumed, therefore tolerable and "right enough."

I jumped on board right away. The best part is access anywhere, particularly my phone. In between bouts with Slacker and Pandora, I line up my tunes for a break. It's awesome. I have all my music on my phone, without it being on my phone.

Seriously. You're the anti-grammar nazi? You tolerate the wrongs and defend them? You lose.

I was an early adopter. My friends/family all discouraged listening to Nevermind. As it turned out, they were ridiculously out of touch.

If I'm peddling while riding me bike, then...well...the last thing I need is musical distraction to interrupt the transaction. And dare I say daft punk is potentially dangerous in its own right.

That doesn't make it good brah. It makes it better than Comcast, which I'm assuming has an interface akin to a 1981 low-def 4:3 CRT interface. Nice.

Your tutelage is much respected. No doubt. It still doesn't fix Dish's problem. That's my complaint. I know my options. Thanks though. *knucklebumps*