The handling of that generation Z could only be explained as diabolical. Lift throttle oversteer? More like lift throttle snap oversteer. Also CP.
The handling of that generation Z could only be explained as diabolical. Lift throttle oversteer? More like lift throttle snap oversteer. Also CP.
I'm digging the F-O-R-D cast in to the timing chain cover. Also they intake/exhaust layout is pretty wicked!
That's about the same as the premium for the EB in the F150. You can see how that turned out, IIRC they sell more EB trucks than 5.0 trucks. I'd imagine we might see a similar scenario with 2.0EB and 3.7.
I'll disagree about taillight styling as a primary consideration. They are a major styling element; automakers use them to distinguish higher level trims and also give the car a unique appearance at night (Dodge Charger for example). Sure they have to meet the applicable FMVSS requirements, but to say it's not a…
Super Steel! That probably approximates the hardness of the compound. 1200 treadwear rating!
My logic? I stated a preference, no logic involved. I even admitted that amber indicators have advantages.
For the same reason I like IPA's and blonde haired women, preference.
Don't like 'em. I prefer all red lights. I see the case for amber; marginally safer and easier to harmonize a design for multiple markets, but they don't look good.
GM X-cars. My parents had matching Citations in the early 80's. They were never in the driveway at the same time since at least on of them was in the shop having repair work done. My dad sold them a few years later and replaced them with a Cutlass and a Delta 88, you'd think he would have learned his lesson about…
It's a comment belief, reportedly amongst even regulars, that the airbags in your car will continue to work for at least a few seconds after the rest of your car's electrical systems stop working.
Thanks. I find that a bit surprising regarding the NJ limit.
Do you title the car in your name before flipping them? Ohio has limits on how many cars you can title per year without having a dealer's license. Just curious if NJ was the same or you were skirting the issue by not titling them.
Love the salute at the end!
The new trucks are only a couple of inches larger. The wheelbase from the GMT400 ('88-'00) trucks is within inches of today's trucks as are the width and length. The height has grown a few inches, but that's probably due to larger tires. I think the styling makes new trucks look larger and I'm sure they weigh more,…
There were some more interesting statistics at
It's ugly, but ugliest in the world is a stretch. Maybe ugliest, fish inspired, super(ish)car would be appropriate.
I'd bet those construction workers weren't exactly eager to help the Jaaaaag driver out of the quagmire.
This car is about 10 minutes from where I work. I'll guarantee that the rust bug is living under that car enjoying it's delicious, mid-80's Japanese steel. I've seen cars 10 years newer and half the miles with baseball sized rust holes in the floor pan.
Most insurance companies have closed the "timed event" loophole. If your on a track your not covered unless you buy special insurance.