"Thomas may still have good friends on the Suns, but it still couldn't have felt good being traded from a playoff contender to a lottery contender just half a season into a four year deal."
"Thomas may still have good friends on the Suns, but it still couldn't have felt good being traded from a playoff contender to a lottery contender just half a season into a four year deal."
Deadspin commenters are the fucking worst.
Jay: [pumps once]
Jay: [pumps twice]
Jay: [hurls bottle at cam's face]
Cam: [gets pelted in the face with a bottle; doesn't eat]
Jay: "What the fuck, Kristin? You said the pump works great..."]
You'd think that Smith would have noticed something was wrong right away, given his propensity to check down.
The guy who fell from the stands in Buffalo, and the guy he fell on.
did you just...nominate yourself?
I nominated Shovel Girl. #neverforget
Lions parking lot butthole-eater.
I only want one thing for XMAS
How far Chris Kluwe used to punt a football when he had a job.
This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker
My buddy was returning a punt in college and him and a gunner met head on. The gunner was out cold on the ground and my buddy was standing over him jawing with the football still in his hands. Everyone just stopped and the refs blew the play dead. My buddy wasnt talking trash as it appeared, instead he was out cold on…
When I showed up at the Kansas City Star in 1994, I shook the entire Midwest and eventually the country.
Sources believe Johnson also accompanied Tiki to Senegal for the filming late last year