
What a litter Wiener

It's an elaborate suicide kit, Cathal. The 'facts' guide gives you reason to question you career choice. The eye-shade is to block out the cold, lifeless eyes of the bear, which exactly mimic you father's when you told him you were going to be a journalism major and not an engineer. Finally, the ethernet cord is to

What's the big deal? Just a couple of dudes, hanging out, who just so happen to share an affinity for putting loads of berries in their mouths.

oh god dammit

The realism on this is great, except that the creators made Peyton just a little too mobile.

This IS awkward. Miller didn't do mishmosh Americana, Barry. Coke did.

Wow, that's hard to believe.


Brad Gilbert: With me now is tennis legend John McEnroe. John, exactly how hot is it out there?

This is somehow not as bad as those Nate Freeman posts

Deadspin hasn't seen an ankle give out that bad since the Surprise Piggy Back Ride Attack of '08, perpetrated by this man

Huh. I saw Chris Kluwe nail an upright once but it made a much more dong-like sound.

If you follow directions on that red sign, it takes you straight to the field. More specifically, the away team's end zone

Although the coordination of the cheer wasn't perfect, marketers felt confident that not a single person at the stadium would forget the name "Ta-ta" anytime soon.

Interesting role reversal here- usually it's MCI that's fucking everyone over.


Actually, Wheel of Fortune was the original Barry Bonds troll.
