
Actually it's about ethics in falconry.

I have nothing to contribute except YAAAAH CLONE HIGH!

My cat was named "Mickey" in the shelter, which I immediately changed to "Dr. Zoidberg" when I brought her home. Most of the time now, though, I call her "Kittypants".

OMG not enough love for Ms. MacLaine in this thread.

I need most of Enid's wardrobe, but I will never rest until I find this sailor jacket.

It seems like he didn't start filming until after his mom started reacting badly. There are already SO many videos out there of parents embracing their child's sexuality—I think it's incredibly important for people to see what it's like when the reaction you get is hate.

And it's possible he told his family because he

I've been dying my hair odd colors for the past 12 years, and get compliments from strangers all the time—it makes me feel good, considering I obvs put a bit of work into my hair, and it's caused me to give out random compliments on people's outfits/makeup/shoes/etc. I don't see it as "I AM THE HOLY GOD OF OPINIONS

"Low-Rent Don's honey-kissed venison cracklers with tempura gorgonzola crunchers."

Oh wait! I have a second submission!

In my first post-college-dorm apartment, my best friend and I had a revolving door of third roommates. The worst one *by far* was "Sandra", a 19-year old home-schooled prodigy that I met in Japanese class. Besides the usual annoyances of severe naivete, passive-aggression, and the maintaining of a LiveJournal for the

Years ago, I needed a new job and decided to apply at a very large science museum in my home city. I went down there the exact day they were opening a Star Wars traveling exhibit—complete with *dozens* of volunteers in elaborate Stormtrooper/Empire guards outfits, which was a delightful surprise for nerdy ol' me.

Now playing

Please tell me that this reminds anyone else of this gem:

I like picturing the amazing beatdown she hopefully gives any Trans*phobic idiot who tries to say anything less than civil to her.