
"Everyone under you command killed." And then they show Chekov in a red shirt?

Ummm... What about IMAP?

I've seen plenty of art and patches around aviation units in this current era. The Navy still decorates their planes heavily, and there's plenty of custom patches with call-signs and the like in use in the Army (probably a lot is unauthorized, but it's still all over the place). And then there's stuff like this...

Very surprised to see this part of the interview isn't getting more attention:

Lock her in a windowless, soundproof room to keep her from making any more movies?

The U-2 on the other hand...

Dude, tone it down, yeah this guy's a dick but raging on him only makes him look good. I assume by your knowledge on how UCMJ works you're either in the military or used to be. Either way, stop making the rest of us look bad.

PO3 is E-4, but your point is still valid.

Before everyone gets all up in arms about him not being charged let me add some context for you:

Hey Brian, quick clarification for you: the sailor was a Petty Officer 3rd Class, which is a lower enlisted rank - not an officer.

Male Army sergeant (non-combat arms, but also outside the wire a lot) chiming in as well. I pretty much agree with you 100% on most of what you said, but I would say as far as your second point, try and look at it from the officers' perspective.

I just love that in the old DVD box for season 4, Joss actually apologizes for the episode.

But also put a chip in Spike's brain, so yay!

But season 4 gave us Hush - arguably one of the best episodes of the series.

Now playing

I wonder if they have the same argument...

Question - I loved Far Cry 2 and this is the big deciding factor for me: Can I set everyone/everything on fire? Because let's be honest, fire was the best part of Far Cry 2.

My rabbit, Mochi, just hanging out.

No kidding! By that point he had not only not help the group, but had repeatedly placed the group in harm's way. I've played the game on the straight and narrow up to that point, generally trying to avoid conflict or do anything outright dickish, but I totally made an exception for Ben.

SEAL is an acronym?! You're kidding!

I guess that's why the Green Berets are called the "Quiet Professionals", while Navy special operators spell their name in all caps.