"Pathways Out of Darkness"?
"Pathways Out of Darkness"?
I'm not sure - I acquired him when I was living in Japan, and the only thing on the sign on his cage at the store that I could read said "hybrid". I'd love to find a rabbit expert who could help me sole the mystery!
If I recall correctly, the one-hit kills were for solid head/body shots - arms legs could also be disabled (not dismembered though).
Yeah, it's all very weird. I'm interested in seeing how this all pans out, because someone is very clearly not telling the whole truth.
Yeah, and that's what make this all so fishy, as "The Shooter" in the Esquire piece said he was the Number Two man in the stack. The point man in front saw OBL as they came up the stairs, popped off 2-3 shots at him but missed, and then proceeded to tackle the two females who were in the hall (assuming that they were…
Socalpimp69 - a true bellwether of "Traditional American values"...
The subtle nature of the British Army one is pure genius.
FOX, one of the biggest bad actors on DMCA takedowns (seriously, they've filed for Google to take down FOX sites), infringing on someone's Creative Commons License?
Fun fact about rabbits - they practically house-break themselves.
Thank you.
Ask and ye shall receive: http://militarytimes.com/blogs/battle-rattle/2012/09/25/the-gunny-behind-the-gif/
I have to say, it's pretty mind-boggling to watch something slow down by more than 2,000 miles per hour as it free-falls.
If that's the worst comic you've read this year, I'm assuming you skipped the just plain terrible Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi.
How do you figure? He's pretty much always been a gold-shirter, other than in the films where everyone wore red. Switching from gold to red while everyone else is sporting their "normal" colors seems like something of note - especially considering the reputation that the red shirt has, not to mention where in the…