Gah, they missed the point so much on this one.
Gah, they missed the point so much on this one.
Blasto: The Game
I'm still intrigued by the Matthew Vaughn for director rumors I've seen floating around the past day or so.
You know, that's a totally doable project, especially if you went the crowd sourced route that the Iron Sky production folks did. You legitimately could hash out a rough script, some basic canon (slow zombies, caused by disease, etc.), throw the project out to the masses for filming and edit what comes back.
Not compatible with the Nexus 7? Sure, because why would you want it to work on one of the flagship Android devices?
"Nordic Viking?", "Valhalla?" Screw you Hollywood.
Am I the only person who hated all the Singer X-men movies? Wooden acting, little to no actual mutant powers and boring black leather costumes.
While not a MoH recipient, reading 1LT Brian Chontoch's Navy Cross citation for his actions in Iraq always gives me chills:
Ouch. Thanks for reminding me. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be off in the corner crying.
I so want to agree with you, but looking at the really great cast, I'm not giving up hope yet.
What do you mean "what if"? I present to you the biography of Ian Flemming - creator of James Bond, and bad-ass WWII super-spy:
OK, so I used the wrong article, blah blah, backpedaling, blah blah, Mark Twain, lightning v. lightning bug and all that.
Whatever man, I don't know why you're acting so pissy. I was just trying to point out from the perspective of someone who lives and works in D.C. that it's a recognized term here.
Unless you consider the nickname for Washington D.C. (where the Redskins are from) is Capitol City.
No giant penny, no T-Rex - not a Bat Cave.
You had me at feces and vomit...
Historically speaking they generally don't get charges pressed against them, instead the government sues them and prevent them from collecting any profit on their works.
A former servicemembers (even SEALs and other operators) are free to get involved in politics once they've left the service - that's not an issue.
Male servicemember here who serves in a mixed-gender job (photojournalist). There are plenty of awesome females in my career field who go out and get shot at just as much as the guys. There are also plenty of bad-ass female MPs conducting missions outside the wire, female logistics specialists leading convoys, and…