Huh - you learn something new every day. I guess I'll just have to tell myself that all of the other removed lines surrounding the Toad scene were just so awesome that Storm's line originally didn't sound so incredibly stupid.
Huh - you learn something new every day. I guess I'll just have to tell myself that all of the other removed lines surrounding the Toad scene were just so awesome that Storm's line originally didn't sound so incredibly stupid.
I'm pretty sure Whedon's script got tossed out and a different writing crew was brought in (a genius move, right there).
Yeah I'll admit I'm a little biased on the Taliban (I'm U.S. military myself).
Yeah, because guys who pour acid on little girls' faces, publicly execute women for "adultery" and suicide bomb schools are humane.
Fencing trivia #1: Now I'm not going to flat out say the judges were biased towards Britta Heidemann, but she was the defending gold medalist, and um... yeah probably biased.
Oh duh! I should have remembered that!. But still Blackguards... ew.
Are you sure, have a source? Because those new characters - blackguard, wild mage and monk - sound very un-2nd Ed.
Yes, yes, yes - a thousand times yes! All week I've had space on the brain, between starting to read Kim Stanley Robinson's 2312 this week and reading this story (sorry it's a Fox News link, but I'd totally volunteer for that in a heartbeat):
I apologize in advance for the length of this reply.
Not to mention Hurt Locker was just terrible and inaccurate on so many levels.*
This. I wonder if #corrections still works?
Honestly I'm glad they restored her powers, else the show become a re-tread of Avatar, ie. learning all the elements all over again. I'm with you on the Amon reveal though, and I'm intrigued to see where the show goes from here now that he's no longer the big bad.
Chiming in as a guy, really hoping this doesn't end up sounding wrong - not my intent.
Totally agree. For a second there while watching the trailer I had to remind myself that this was the prequel (of sorts) to The Wizard of Oz, and not the dreadful Burton Alice in Wonderland movie.
I know everyone's saying "Oh lord, it'll just be a COD clone" and I'm not doubting that, but more importantly let's look at the even bigger red flag, who's making the game: Terminal Reality.
There's actually a place here in the U.S. where the "old tongue" is still spoken: Tangier Island, Virginia.
What Fauxcused said.
Aww, my rabbit's name is Mochi too! Here he is eating a carrot.
I was thinking the exact same thing. Should the (almost) worst happen next deployment I'm totally pointing Walter Reed to this website.
86'ed: Proof you had a fun time.