Or if brevity's your thing, this is probably the best 18-second intro to a TV show.
Or if brevity's your thing, this is probably the best 18-second intro to a TV show.
This. Or really anything Bear McCreary has done.
HBO faux-documentary series told in chronological parts though a combination of interview intro (like Band of Brothers) and flashback actual stories. It's not that freaking difficult Hollywood.
What wacky-ass Army training did you go to? I've been active duty nearly a decade and I've never had M4/M-16 training anywhere but on a range (other than the on the old Weaponeer system at Basic).
I was thinking the exact same thing.
If you're interested in that type of thing I'd recommend checking out the documentary "Reclaiming the Blade" (it's on streaming Netflix). It covers most everything sword from cinema swordplay to the various sports and sword related hobbies. It also shows how awesome HEMA is.
More wonderful details from Mr. Stephenson, if you're interested. As a HEMA fan myself, I'm totally geeking out on this project!
To be fair (speaking as an active duty guy), warfighter is a commonly used term in military doctrine circles - saves time from having to write soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines - and sounds more "tactical" than servicemember. You'll see all types of things using the term, if I recall correctly, it's even on the…
Cheers to that sentiment. And let's not forget the men and women currently downrange as well.
Also Yukon Jack? Didn't know the college kids were into Canadian honey liqueurs these days.
Hi, you must be new to commenting around here. You may have noticed the hashtag I used which says "corrections". That implies that I was notifying Kotaku there was an error in their story - in this case the spelling of the word story, mistakenly spelled "stroy".
On a side note, this is really freaking cool.
Ah... the good old 4-stroy pipe organ. Are we sure about that?
Yeah, I've got no real concerns about Blizzard taking down their servers, hell - I think you can still play Diablo 1 on Battle.net. But I'm cautious about the trend expanding to other companies that don't have that level of fidelity and buckets of cash sitting around.
Kirk, I have a question for you. Do you own Diablo III or are you just renting it? Because that's the distinguishing factor for me. Requiring always online access to play a single player game goes beyond DRM to the consumer sacrificing ownership to a publisher in exchange for paying for permission to play a game as…
This ruling would only affect US consoles, however there's already a been a similar ruling in Germany that's will be potentially banning them there as well (Microsoft is appealing). And the reason the case applies to the 4GB and 250GB models is because those are the only ones still being imported/produced and the…
Or don't be like me and accidentally leave your gas range slightly on. I seriously spent nearly an hour today trying to find out what could possibly be rotting in my kitchen (I keep it pretty clean) before smelling near the oven cooktop, looking down at the dial and having "oh shit, time to open all the windows"…
Oh yeah, that's right. I'm so psyched to see he's working again. I just wish he'd tour down in D.C. sometime soon.
Two albums? What am I missing out on besides Cancer 4 Cure?