
I've got some Vertical Epics aging in the closet, and will on occasion pick up an Arrogant or Double (never been able to find any Luckys). Right now I'm inhabiting the Pacific Northwest, so I'm living primarily on Deschutes, Alaskan, Widmer Bros. and Rogue if there's nothing better available.

But money aside, I'm wondering where I'l get the better experience. I've realized that as much as I'm a keyboard and mouse guy, I'm also just as likely to play a shooter on a console in front of the big screen. right now, I'm just debating differences in the experience I'd be getting on the two systems.

Yeah, I totally hear you. And while I do claim to put the "fun" in functional alcoholism, I'm not looking to crawl into a bottle at the moment. A little toasty and some PvP on TOR? Sure, but nothing on a Bukowski-esque level. Everything else in my life's going pretty great at the moment and force-drowning my sorrows

Found out today the ex-wife recently got engaged, while I'm currently single. Thank goodness for booze and video games. Debating between getting The Darkness II on either the 360 or PC, having played the first game on the 360, but having recently purchased a beefy new gaming laptop.

Anyone else think it was weird that there wasn't a single mention or shot of Padme/Natalie Portman in that trailer?

Yes it was. Ray Stevenson is playing him. He's also all over the first trailer (unmasked, fighting Roadblock, etc.)

But in this case he kind of has a point. I mean, VW was literally founded by a Nazi trade union. Heck, Hitler helped design the Beetle. Evil empire is not the type of image I would want to channel if I was VW these days.

To your first point - totally on track, I agree 100%.

Words can't adequately the complete and utter disappointment in this opinion piece. You miss the point on so many levels, chase false assumptions and somehow manage to overgeneralize all at the same time.

Everyone, everyone, let's tone the hyperbole down a tad. Sorry I mentioned politics in the first place.

Yeah, I should know better than to mention politics on the Internet, especially topics like the mandate. It's just always the one that first springs to mind when it comes to things that seemed like a good idea to the GOP, but only if they're the ones doing it.

True, but the President has a way of polarizing things just by his very presence.

Also your point below about Obama being a former IP lawyer, makes me very skeptical about the whole thing.

Sorry, I don't mean all Republicans. I actually used to be a consistent GOP voter, but got pushed out by all the social agenda. Also I'm in Eric Cantor's district, so he's my natural first thought on these issues.

Great, so now that Pres. Obama is opposed to SOPA, that mean the Republicans will all come pouring out of the wood works decrying the President's clear pro-China, pro-pirate agenda and singing the praises of this bill that will create American jobs and protect freedom or some such nonsense.

Same here, but no worries, we're both still awesome! Congrats all around!

Damn - my Walking Dead-themed party (Rick, Lori, Carl, Dale and Andrea) made it all the way to Oregon and died on the final generator mission. CAAARL!!!

Freakin' fantastic.

It seems a bunch of us were all thinking the same thing, but here's my entry anyways.