
This is important. I feel in the fires of the Internet things can get muddled and it'd be a shame if the actual guys who make the Avenger got taken down by it as well. From most of the reviews and things I've seen online it seems like a pretty cool product and even Dave in the original email seemed pretty excited to

From Ocean Market(t)ing's website on the "About Us" section:

My commando is going totally light side, Captain America-esque if you will, a defender of the Republic. But like many soldiers out there, is a constant flint in his constant attempts to get laid.

Haven't had any problems. Then again, I picked a server that wasn't listed as having a queue or as "full" or even with a very heavy population. Funny how that works.

I'm not talking about those guys, although what they did was pretty dumb, I'm talking about the remains of the 274 servicemembers that got dumped in a landfill:

They're also great at the respectful and dignified transfer of the remains of fallen Soldiers and Marines from battlefields downrange. Oh wait...

Metalocalypse. It was the former fans and that assassin guy trying to kill Dethklok.

What he said.

Level 1: Set up an observation post at a traffic check point. Spend the next 12 hours watching local police search vehicles and pat down locals.

The best 'shop... in the world.

The Protomen! Yes! This is an idea I can get behind.

Not to mention at the end of Embers, Enzio gives her a small box which she then takes back to China. I wonder what could be in there?

With an attitude like that, there's not a console version of this game in the future for me either.

Thanks for this Kirk - I'm on my fifth glass of wire for the evening before tomorrow's "festivities" and this song just totally chilled my out for the night (and gave me flashbacks to 15 years ago in high school jazz band). I need more jazz in my life.

It's not the technical issues, like they were in the wrong uniforms for 2004, I mean those things always stand out to me in military movies, so for the most part I tend to look past them. My problem is for the most part they didn't act like Soldiers, just these weird characterizations that end up drunk wrestling each

To be perfectly honest, it's mainly just my non-objective opinion. For me, I'm an 8-year (and counting!) vet in the Army with multiple deployments to Iraq, including one in '04 to Camp Victory (the time and place where the movie took place). The many inaccuracies in the movie - from the uniforms, the equipment, how

If you liked Restrepo, check out Armadillo - it's a similar documentary following a Danish unit in Afghanistan. You can stream it on Netflix. And if you like to read, Sebastian Junger's (the narrator and director of Restrepo) book War. It's about the same unit and their deployment but goes into WAY more detail.

Hurt Locker? The laughably bad, painfully inaccurate, overly dramatic, overly hyped movie. Ohh Call of Duty, you don't want me to "respect" you like I "respect" Hurt Locker.