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Yep. Assassin's Creed: Embers. It's like 250 points on Xbox Live. It's... not bad, I liked the story and the animation's decent, but I'd have rather seen the story told in-game rather than in the movie, as there are some MAJOR plot points addressed in it.

Watch the animated movie mentioned in the review (Assassin's Creed: Embers). All signs point to China.

Meh, it's probably worthless, not like this first Nintendo DS ever built that I found.

It only took about 60 seconds for me to find the show dumb (I still watched the whole thing to confirm my suspicions).

Oh I'm not trying to judge too harshly, I think 90% of all first time role-players' characters were clones of something they read or saw elsewhere. Heck, my first party ever was a Dragonlance campaign with everyone playing basically ripped-off versions of the Heroes of the Lance.

Almost every time I DM for a new group...

If Bret Easton Ellis wrote about hipsters, it would be this article.

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I'm surprised that Iron and Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft didn't make it on the WTF list. Because making a fighting game based on one of Dungeons and Dragons' more obscure campaign settings totally makes sense.

Yeah, I wish I knew something about game design or modding, because I'd love to be involved in a project like that.

As someone who does this for a living, I was pumped to see this type of game actually exist. But after that trailer... eeesh. Great concept, I'd love to see a AAA title of this style, with the focus on narrative - showing the powerful human side of war - but this game ain't it.

Again people are missing my point.

No, because that type of misogyny and blatant sexism has no place in today's business world, an inside joke or not.

I hope "professional consequences" means getting fired immediately.

I feel like I just watched every single bad war movie cliche and MW-inspired misconception about combat and the military rolled into one short film.

Nope - I blanked on getting tickets back in MAY when then sold out and refuse to pay $100 dollars for scalped ones.

I see what you're saying, and I could totally see that working. And you're right, there really isn't any other way to do it (other than a movie comprised entirely of flashbacks).

See, I'm of the opposite opinion. It was handled pretty well in District 9, splicing documentary-style interviews in with the movie, and personally I felt that going a similar route would have been a cool approach. Deep down though I always saw WWZ doing better as a TV series.

I'm seriously considering it, however my only problem: Valve's actual address is hard to find. I know they're in Bellevue, but beyond that it's a little murky.

Nah, that's just a M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), the 240's smaller, 5.56 firing cousin. It's still a decent sized gun though, and he's practically palming the thing.

I am the walrus.