
Actually, rolled up sleeves are a pretty common thing to see in a combat zone, at least among Marines who are allowed to roll up their sleeves in the field. If you loot a little closer in the video you see the other Marines have theirs rolled as well (they're not really rolled all the way up, just off the forearms).

@cmonty06: People said the same thing about Crackdown being packaged with the Halo 3 beta, and Crackdown turned out to be pretty damn good.

@owen-magnetic: My friend apparently found a few places here in Seattle that do it decently (his claim not mine). I haven't been to any of them yet, but the prevalence of pretty good Asian cuisine in the PNW leave me cautiously optimistic.

@FarmboyinJapan: Yeah, no kidding. I spent a few years in Japan, and you can't find a decent plate of Mexican food anywhere.

@traintracks: Not to come off like a total dick, but Hurt Locker is a pretty terrible representation of the Iraq War (I was on the same base in Iraq during the same time period as the movie during my first deployment). Sure it had some interesting action movie tension and cool scenes, but nothing even remotely close

Good lord did they build the show on an Indian burial ground or something? It seems like the only news I ever hear about this show is someone getting injured.

Yeah sure, it's super cool, but I pity the receptionist who's going to have to listen to that thing go off every time someone walks in the room.

@anabbeynormality: I'm not taking one side or another on the game with this post, but I'll attempt to explain why the game has such controversy around it for many people.

God, I hope I get Hartford Whalers-related advertising.

This looks great and I can't wait to see it. Because of that fact, it's a shame HBO is going to cancel it after two fantastic seasons, just like Carnivale and Rome.

Personally I loved the single player campaign, it's methodical pacing in showing the initial days of the war in Afghanistan kept me intrigued without laying down some heavy-handed message or simply trivializing war and what our servicemembers go through (no snow-mobile chase scenes).

@DJBeatz Mullet of the streets: COMCAM? Bleh. A bunch of cocky know-it-alls complaining about how they wish they were attached to an SF unit, or how they can't wait to get into a real firefight and earn their Combat Action Badges.

@XNEXUS666X: Like every servicemember, I don't pick and choose what wars we declare, I just go where my commander and chief tells me. And while I would agree with you about geopolitics and resources if we were talking about Iraq, I'd be hesitant to paint Afghanistan with the same broad strokes.

I'm pulling this out of my reply I posted below, because I feel that as a Soldier, two-time Iraq vet, someone who's lost friends during these two current wars and a gamer planning to purchase MoH the minute it's released, I can speak from a different perspective about the situation.

@RaginDude: Don't get me wrong I understand where people are coming from in their concern over the game how how it could be seen as distasteful to allow people to play as an enemy force the U.S. is currently engaged in fighting.

I hate 3-D, and think it's a terrible gimmick that makes stupid movies worse and is almost always underwhelming.

Just got back from Iraq, going on leave for a month later this week, never going to purchase a game from AAFES ever again. Best Buy here I come!