
I was thinking about picking up this game, but decided I'd rather have my friends buy and play the game and I'll go hang out in the local Hooter's parking lot, get drunk and look for my future ex-wife.


I'll stick with my Stryker.

It's like if Studio Ghibli, Viva Pinata, and Little Big Planet had a baby. I must own it.

Ahh Pathways... Without a doubt the "gateway drug" game that sucked me in as a teenager turning me into the gamer I am today. Oddly enough, back then all my favorite shooters were Bungie-made and on the Mac. Oh how times have changed.

@Nexus6: Well if you like the Shadowrun universe, I'd say check it out. It was a solid RPG, with some cool open-world elements and a lot of attention paid to the pen and paper game's setting.

@Nexus6: SNES Shadowrun? Not the one for the Genesis? Just curious, I like both, but always felt the Genesis one was the better game.

@PACKFAN4LIFE: You had to have been an officer because no self respecting NCO would ever have talked about his Joes and what they do in the limited downtime that they have with such disgust.

@TheLooseCannon: I don't know where to start with you comment, but I'll try my best. If you read in the article you see it mentioned that the recruits said the game gave them a favorable view of the military, not that it made it seem cool or glamorized, just favorable.

@J.D.: A wife is cheaper than $4000? Clearly you're not married.

@Twoje: I played an early version of the game at the Tokyo Anime Fair earlier this year, and at times it totally has that same feel except with a lot more of the Behemoth zaniness and creativity that we've come to expect in their games.

@Gein07: Yeah right at the 2:08 min mark when it just turning into your regular run circles and spray bullets CoD4 match, I realized that these guys had miss the point of Six Days in Fallujah entirely while at the same time pointing out exactly why some vets and families are opposed to the game being made.

@Tyrannical: They also ruined all of our best names like Bruce and Lance and Julian.

Now playing

@Alpengeist: You're right, and I too would love to see more of these types of powerful, interactive products, however frankly I don't think the market is there for people wanting to play a true war simulation.

Sounds pretty cool, almost Lovecraftian in nature. I'll definitely be keeping a eye on this one.

I'm blown away by the level of intelligent discussion on this topic, but I feel compelled to add my two cents as an Iraq war vet heading back to the desert in a few months.

The Gears ones are pretty awesome, but I'm less impressed by the Zelda ones, it seems like less work went into making them. There's no way in hell I'd pay $125 for any of them though.

@armpitafro: Ahh The Classic... If I had to guess where they'd put it, I'd say sticking halfway out of a wall in the Cavern of Time or something.