@J. Kyle: Yeah that and Call of Duty 4.
@J. Kyle: Yeah that and Call of Duty 4.
@ankhenaten: As someone who's been in the Army for a while now, in my experience military themed games are huge among servicemembers, especially shooters like CoD4.
@RealmRPGer: Been living in Japan for a few years now and the best example I have of this dedication to service and honesty was when I was heading downtown one day on the expressway.
I'm finally glad to see a developer realize that spacing out their games is better for their profits and for the gamer.
"I don't think clicking my heels is going to do a damn bit of good"
@Cygnus_Mal: Don't get me wrong I love this game, and like I said above squandered an entire weekend playing it with a smile on my face, I just feel like it certainly wasn't DICE's best effort.
@Pornosaur: It's not the balance I'm complaining about with the weapons, it's just that the riflemen on both sides carry the exact same gun, an semi-auto M-1 Garand, even though the Japanese never carried anything like that. More of a historical accuracy/lazy developer complaint.
I just spent almost my entire weekend playing this game and it's a heck of a lot of fun but I can't figure out why.
Bender and Fender?
Star Wars Rebellion: About every three of four months or so I just have to play the game. And since it won't run well on Vista I actually have to bust out my old computer to play it.
Why would otaku need an encyclopedia of this stuff? It seems like most that I've met are walking talking compendiums of all that is -sigh- "cool" in Japan.
@elmorepow: I'm moving back to the states this fall and praying that this'll show up in the arcades before I leave. Probably not though...
@jeezy103: If it's anything like the Gundam pod games over here, I'm guessing it'll cost 500 yen a pop (about $5).
@Intellectualdiot: Hopefully with a more concrete story ending though.
@Drogmir: It came out in 02 for the original Xbox and was a pretty fun game. Basically it's Gauntlet meets L4D, as in it was a 4-player overhead view hack-and-slash (and shoot).
Is it me or is that character design strikingly similar to the Queen of Thorns from Demigod?
@Brian Ashcraft: Nah, shit's crazy in some places. My friend was telling me the other day that at her company downtown (Tokyo) they have to get their temperature taken every morning to check for fever.
@nottsville: It was epicly cool. There's few things better than crawling across the ceiling and biting off your opponent's head.
Screw Spielberg, the man hasn't made a decent film in years.
@pinshot: They've been doing that a lot in recent years. At last year's TGS the Square booth was next to the Microsoft booth as well.