Very cool! But she really needs to have a camera on her!
Very cool! But she really needs to have a camera on her!
God, that loud, wet fart of a trailer just killed off any excitement I had for that movie.
Senator Collins was the only senator from New England to support this bill - even Kelly Ayotte voted against it - I find that very interesting.
This looks really, really cool, but dammit, don't say things like "Full spectrum, combined arms warfare" and then show just a bunch of dudes running around on the ground.
Method: Cold turkey + Afghanistan
For me it was one of the most enjoyable games I’ve played in a long time. Are some of the jokes dumb and/or annoying? Totally.
I just want to point out how excellent TWD has been with misdirection and preventing spoilers all season. It seems like we were bombarded with all sorts of rumors to keep us guessing, and I was pleasantly surprised that they didn't turn out to be true and the show was able to keep things suspenseful up to the last…
I'm pretty sure it was his wife that said that.
Going to be channeling Scotty tonight...
First off, sorry for the offence - wasn't my intention - tend to get a little data driven at times, not always good at sticking the landing with my words (despite the world I work in).
Hey, cut him some slack - he does play the drums! /s
Man, I want to be excited about this, but Adam Baldwin the person has just ruined my ability to enjoy anything Firefly related.
Center of the Universe up in Ashland does some good stuff too.
How do I expect the industry to survive? By being leaner and smarter with their money.
For more insanely depressing, yet fascinating, accounts of the American intelligence community failing in spectacular fashion, I highly recommend two books by Tim Weiner: Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA and Enemies: A History of the FBI.
I love the L4D games, so much so that I ended up buying them twice - to play with friends on both the PC and console. But there's no way I'm buying Evolve.
After the failure of several tactical nuclear strikes, the destruction of the Containment Receptacle Intended to Blockade (CRIB) and the humiliating defeat of the Jaeger Project, OPERATION Rubber Ducky represented the last, best hope to defeat the scourge that was Big Baby...