
Shit! Wish I'd seen it earlier, I'd have flown out to Chicago to buy this! My '90 Audi 200 was totalled out in a hail storm last month. And considering they gave me $6800 for it, less than half that price is a screaming deal! Especially since I've spent the last few months researching how to convert cars to propane,

of course "off road" here just means anything not on a paved road, so even gravel trails and tame two-tracks count in these statistics.

$3200 seems rather high. You can get a brand new Kawasaki Ninja 250R for that much, and it'll do 100mph and gets 80mpg. Given, it's not nearly as fun and practical at low speeds, but I'd still rather have it for that much money.

This isn't a moped. Mopeds have pedals. This is what they call a "motorcycle."

What's with all the crackpipes lately, Jalopnik? We don't all make as much as you highfalutin journalist-types.

Did he say Nine Eleven lights? Is that what we're calling 911 now?

More alarming than the fact you were jumping your car was that you let someone have a beverage container open while doing it.

What, no "gay athletic supporter" jokes? I am appalled, you guys have no balls.

You could also build your own electric bike for a few hundred. These guys are just selling turn-key crap, which is popular amongst hipsters who don't like to get their hands dirty.

If you bought one of these bikes for $4k, you'd probably wanna insure it too. Especially since it's a helluva lot easier for someone to just pick it up and walk away with it than it is with your car.

Not sure what you're smoking, as 1968 was the exact year when Mustangs could be had both with 289s and 302s. Case in point, I used to have a daily driver and two parts cars, and all three had 289s.

How many times has this been posted now?

Top Gear did it.

While this video is cool, a torquey truck with a long wheelbase on a wet parking lot is probably one of the easiest ways to drift.

But isn't there an exception to that law where military folks who buy cars where they're stationed can legally have them brought stateside?

Except Red Green is Canadian.

Was gonna say... who the hell pays for TG episodes? Especially amongst Jalopnik readers.

Whenever it's a slow news day, the Jalopnik editors get drifting confused with bad donuts.

Oh yes. The trick is to avoid truck tires such as this that are running upwards of 80psi. Stick to your average car tire that's under 40.

No one had the sense to just ram the stuck car with their truck?