They could easily design the automated car to follow another car along an unknown path, especially if it was something like a cop car.
A 1970s 240 Wagon, and the last year of the 740 turbo, which was I think 1992. Then, swap engines. Oh, and swap the factory locking diff too. :D
Why the fuck didn't the truck driver put it in first gear and lean on the starter? I've heard of truckers doing that and driving hundreds of feet.
Did something similar in a shitbox fwd '85 Subar8 DL I got for $200. Was winter, but a clear morning, and I was doing about 80 on the freeway here in Montucky (limit is 75 was doing the same speed as traffic). Suddenly there was a cop car stopped in the middle of the road ahead, with a couple wrecked cars in the…
They couldn't even afford to film that on a potato, so they used a french fry.
On Youtube.
Was anyone else hoping that the douche from the Explorer would get cut in half when the tow strap snapped? Or at least run over when he was standing 8 inches away from the moving big rig?
Are you fucking kidding me? These are terrible deals! Even the cheapest car batteries are still $95 after the discount. Walmart and Costco has prices like that on a regular basis, and Costco often has them for even less.
Agreed. What he did for motorcycles with the Cub and CT90 was astounding. He changed the image from Hells Angels Harley riding fags to teeny bopping Beach Boys wannabes, and made it seem cool and safe for the average person to ride a bike.
Good. Another fucking moron off the streets... or rather eternally embedded in them. I do feel awful for the people he hit though.
Why are you posting the Missoula craigslist when even the ad says it's in Billings? I've been eyeing this for days.
Just because it's not a main battle tank doesn't mean it's not a tank.
Agreed. This is nothing but shitty donuts. Jalopnik should know by now how to tell the difference.
Surprised nobody's suggested calling it Doge.
Motocross, my ass, that has jumps! That was just a flat track bike.
Plus your coverage kicks in the moment you sign up, so he could have called them and gotten a full tow right for $150.