You guys are pussies. "My road has potholes." "My road has traffic jams."
You guys are pussies. "My road has potholes." "My road has traffic jams."
A pedestrian violation? Did that have something to do with the lack of a protesting permit? The only thing I can imagine he did which might have been illegal was approaching cars in traffic to advertise his cause. But he was right about the ID: if you're on foot you're not required to posses ID or to give out your…
Yes, but Montana is even worse about those things and it's #4 on the Least Expensive list. Can anyone explain this?
That bike was plenty visible, and it seems like the cop was driving too fast. Reeks of distracted driving.
The overdrive button/gear selector, or to be more precise, taking it out of overdrive. Yes, it's there for if you're going down a long hill while hauling a trailer, but how often does anyone do that in a Volvo 240? And the best part? If the button or overdrive relay breaks, by default it disables overdrive. So…
I call foul. Pretty sure one of the laws for street-legality is that the center of your headlights be no less than 24 inches above the ground. But there may be an exception in Texas, which also means this car is only street legal in Texas. If such laws are of no consequence, than I'm sure someone could make an even…
Needs more tire squeal.
Anyone else notice those Chevy-powered cars sounded a lot like Fords? Hell, I think the Roy Scheider's car's sound effects were mostly stolen from Bullitt. Those engine notes and tire squeals sound very familiar.
Article is apparently written by someone who has never played any GTA game, as shooting a car's gas tank doesn't make it blow up any faster.
Not at all. Hell, I know for a fact that I'm a safer driver when driving aggressively. I pay more attention to what's going on around me, the road conditions, and what my car's capable of. My friends used to give me shit for being a spirited driver, until I pointed out that they've been in umpteen accidents, most of…
I do this on my bike when some ass clown has their subwoofer turned up too loud, but I go out of my way to look as stupid as possible.
After watching the video, not a bad run, man. I would have gotten lost and ploughed through the turn after one of the long straight-aways.
Import it into a state like Montana where they allow you to register ATVs, dune buggies, and Japanese mini trucks.
Several years ago on Top Gear, they pointed out that even if you don't have a little arrow by the fuel logo, you can tell the side of your fuel filler by which side the hose comes out of the logo.
Am I the only one who is more surprised that he's still alive PERIOD?
You call it a Bump N Run race. Has been in existence for only a few decades...