It's July 4, not July 4th. Lrn2English.
It's July 4, not July 4th. Lrn2English.
Teslas might take over NASCAR when their pit stop doesn't take an hour.
The joke's on you. It'll be turbo allright... TURBO DIESEL!
This calls for a fun experiment: Buy one of these cars that has a tracker on it. Find and remove tracker, taking care to keep it powered while disconnected so as to not arouse suspicion. Find a similar or identical car to yours, attach tracker to it. Cease making payments on your car. Have epic lulz when they repo…
This is an awful idea. Studies have shown that K&N filters filter far worse than factory ones. Plus, oiled filters tend to fuck up MAFs. The only real good way to improve upon your cold air intake is to get better flowing pipes and delete any noise baffles if there are any, and get a goods stock WIX filter.
Faith restored in humanity.
Yeah, that's one good thing about Montucky. I've gotten a few tickets for going like 7 over, and they were $20 to $40 and didn't go on my record.
I find this article annoying. Can we have Raph arrested?
A quick chat with my friend Google forwarded me to his friend Wikipedia, who was quoted as saying "National Doughnut Day is on the first Friday of June each year, succeeding the Doughnut Day event created by The Salvation Army in 1938 to honor the women who served doughnuts to soldiers during World War I."
In total, the M5 did 322.5 laps on a slicked-down 841-foot skidpad. The video only shows a small part of the drift, unfortunately. I wonder how long it took?
I'm in Billings, and when I read the headline, was seriously concerned that this was my ex. But no such luck.
Weirdest? If by that you mean the GREATEST driving game ever. I remember downloading the pirated version of I'76 over dial up in 1997, took a good couple days over 33.6 dialup to download. Loved it so much I bought a Microsoft force feedback joystick that had I'76 bundled. Wasted so many hours playing online. Used…
How the hell did 2 front tires have more traction than 8 rear tires?
If anything, a stick shift makes things worse. I don't tend to eat or drink or use my phone any less when I'm driving my stick. Hell, back when I had my courier job, I would be driving through city traffic, shifting, eating, using my phone, and looking up stuff on the GPS simultaneously. In the snow, too. Actually…