
Full Circle Racing, Bozeman MT

So apparently a State Trooper was already right next to them. If he was able to get against the car to stop it after they bailed out, why couldn't he have done that BEFORE they jumped?


For when you have to drive from California to Norway.

You guys left out a critical detail. The record is for fastest PRODUCTION car. There are plenty of race cars that can go over 300mph.

I call bullshit. Old muscle cars were actually decent offroad since they usually had quite a lot of ground clearance My '68 Mustang had 215/75R14 tires and was a rust bucket, so I did a fair amount of offroading with it, especially on the beach. Was fun to jump, too.


Imminent key marks in paint.

Fire was actually started by sunlight focused off of these ginormous chrome rims.

Eh, the gold snowflake wheels are nice, but my vote is for the turbo cast rims with the bowling ball hubcaps. You can probably guess why.

Maybe he wouldn't have crashed if he hadn't been blasting that obnoxiously loud music...

Impressive that a snow tire could go 200mph without fling off its studs.

Didn't Top Gear already do this?

Almost bears his family name? Derp, it IS their family name, they just changed the D to a T cause it sounded cooler.

Hostesses? I'm confused, does he mean Booth Professionals?

There's definitely somebody in this car, lending to the thought that this Russian might be originally from a certain Sunshine State.

Yep! It sure looks great without all the extra crap.

Cool idea, but seems like a shameless Ford plug.

They did this already. The present mysteriously disappeared after a few episodes. Possibly ran away.