
Condolances to the family, etc, but my heart also goes out to the driver and co-driver on the car.  They must be feeling especially shitty.  But I'd like them all to know that I'd still feel safer standing along a rally stage than trying to walk anywhere in my own damn town.

Shitbox '90 AWD Eagle Talon I got for $1500. Swapped the engine, tuned to about 280bhp. Accelerates faster than it stops, especially in the snow. Too front-heavy and the e-brake doesn't work. Can't tell you how many times I'd launch and be doing 50 before I realized there were stopped cars or a turn coming up quickly,

Dear Jalopnik, please stop posting interesting videos that turn out to have their video already removed from Youtube.

Darwin's survival of the fittest at work. Why is this a problem?

Hits something with her car, doesn't ever even check to see if there was any damage to her car...

Think of it this way: The more layers you have to wear to keep warm, you've got that much more padding in case you crash!  I ride my dirt bike in the winter around town with my snow pants and coat under my leathers. With knobbies you actually get better traction than most cars. Wouldn't do it on a sport bike, though,

The point of a fast shitbox is that it's supposed to ACTUALLY be cheap. You're supposed to scrounge parts together on a shoestring, and that's what makes it so satisfying.  It would have been faster, easier, and cheaper to start with a car that's actually fast and then make it into an ugly shitbox instead of vice

This is all wrong. The best thing to have is a friend with a decent 4x4 vehicle and a tow rope, preferrably a snatch strap.  They are the type of friend who also happens to carry shovels and other tools in their vehicle, and often are excited at the chance to use their vehicle to help out a stuck friend... especially

You guys should really make backup copies of the videos you post in headline articles since they tend to get deleted rather quickly.

Now playing

Pffff, THIS guy's got bigger balls, and far more of then!

A Muddy Enzo sounds like a great name for the new sexual position I came up with the other night.

Wow Travis, slow news day?

Yes, but why is this on Jalopnik? I see nothing to do with any type of vehicle unless you count the electric scooter in Walmart.

Um, she was hurt on the job, wouldn't this be covered by worker's comp?

Why are all the good car videos ruined by obnoxiously loud music?

They were racing in an organized rally on a dangerous mountain road and helmets weren't required?

Did anyone else think this article was gonna be about someone who took an old garbage truck and hid a meth lab in the back, Breaking Bad style?

Clarkson already did it.

Front engine? Meh. I think it'd be cooler/easier to plant a FWD transaxle setup in the rear of such a vehicle. Only problem is that it might be somewhat ass-happy, but that's better than nose-happy right?

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There's a surprising lack of love for American muscle here today. I'd think this would be the one category they'd have an advantage in.