What did I just watch?
What did I just watch?
They seriously got Jack Rebney (Winnebago Man) to do a VW ad? Wow... just wow...
I believe that was a freeway onramp, and he was at a point where one onramp was merging with his before it hit the freeway.
Meh, the original by Hello was better. But maybe I'm biased because it came on the radio constantly when I was playing GTA IV.
You've got to hand it to the guy, he's got some impressive precision driving skills. You can tell he's done this a lot already. And not only is the M5 the perfect car for the job, it's about the only car you could do this in. I miss my 5 series, it was sooooo predictable to hoon. I wanna see more of this!
Once again, despite the title, there is very little drifting going on in this videos, it's more like "Driving Fast in Snow with Lots of AWD Wheelspin and Bouncing Off the Rev Limiter Until the Headgasket Blows"
Old news is old. This was posted a month ago.
I can get more angle than that in my $300 Volvo!
If only SHE had been found stripped instead, I'm sure we would all be a lot happier.
Why does your picture of a tiny penis have three testicles?
Irrelevant. While it is indeed cool he can drive while lacking limbs, the video not only claimed to have drifting, but drifting comparable to that of Kenny B. All I'm saying is that most videos on Youtube that claim to contain "drifting" turn out to be someone just doing donuts, and this is just another one on the…
A video claims to have drifting. Video turns out to be a guy in an AWD car on snow doing donuts. Yep, this is par for the course on Youtube.
He may have been going too fast for conditions, but I hate nothing more than people who get in an accident, especially in the snow, and just STOP in the middle of the fucking road. It's already hard enough to see and to stop or maneuver, but some of these dumb fucks decide to make things far more unsafe by not only…
Um, that guy already clarified that just seconds before the video began, the weather was perfectly clear and he had no time to slow down. Do your research, dude.
Can we see the version of the video without the shitty music, please?
It's a tank, but it has tires? And pretty sure it's not being steered with a controller, the turret is just operated by one.
Took me a second, that's from Cannonball Run isn't it?