
"It's full-weight and not absurdly stripped out."

I see no huge problem with this. The age of consent here in Montana is 16, and give it's probably 18 in Tennessee, many 17-year olds are tried as adults for crimes they've committed. Besides, it's not like they kidnapped or drugged or coerced her, the 17-year old girl was on a dating site. And dating sites require you

1960s Chevys were notorious for having interchangeable keys. I used to use the key of my '64 Chevy pickup and go around unlocking all the classic Camaro parked around town. Once my buddy drove his El Camino he was restoring to school. He came back later to find it parked much farther away. The next week he started

They call it the Emergency Brake for when there's an emergency in which you need to brake. And if you don't want to run into someone else, run into an object that will stop you without damaging it.

Anyone else hope Rut crashes and dies a fiery death since he sucks at driving?

Yep, one stupid fucker had to ruin it for everyone else. Interestingly, there are hard statistics proving that there were far fewer road fatalities with the safe and prudent law. back then, people would go fast if it was safe, but would also go slower in crappy weather. These days, even in a blizzard everyone will

$25,000 is still pretty expensive for a "cheap" sports car. The original AE-86 went for around $10k back in the mid 80s. Accounting for inflation, that works out to about $20k now. I'd like to see this car against the V6 Ford Mustang, which is similarly equipped and similarly priced.

Idiotically go fast and risk dying? Sounds more like Darwinism to me...

What the flying fuck does this have to do with cars, and why is it on Jalopnik? Don't tell me it's cause Detroit is the "Motor City," otherwise every bit of news about Detroit would be posted.

I haven't laughed this hard in WEEKS. Good thing he's got a cage on that thing, although I don't know how well it'd sustain a flip at 50mph. Wonder what engine that is, though.

SIGH is banned? Funny, I had no trouble getting it in Montana, but that might be because my name is Cy...

Once tried to get KRAUT on a plate since I'm German, but it was already taken. Always wanted to try and just get EPITHET.

Old video is old. Saw this months ago.

Farmtruck FTW! Love that thing. The races where he has the pizza delivery thing on the roof are funnier.

This is why I love driving a small car: I try to park next to them anyways. Usually they're big trucks that park a bit over the line on their driver's side, which makes it even better cause I park in my space as close as I can get to them while staying well within my space, then they have to climb in from the drivers

Pics of this pink 2nd gen Firebird or gtfo!

...but it's just so ugly!

I semenized your mother last night, Trebek!

I want to know how that brick handles speeds about 150mph without ANY aerodynamic modifications. Doesn't even have downforce! Surprised the front end doesn't lift off the ground.

The diesel Toyota Hiluxes used in the Top Gear Arctic Special!