...but why is this on Jalopnik. I see nothing to do with cars, or any vehicles.
...but why is this on Jalopnik. I see nothing to do with cars, or any vehicles.
*slow clap*
"Pulsifer estimates Pumpkin, whom she named after a friend..."
So if you happen to be playing ragtime music on your car stereo and a nearby kid hears it, you could face criminal charges? I call bullshit. If they're gonna go after anyone for what they play on their stereo, go after the assholes who blast profane music, or the dicks who cruise up and down my street at 1am with…
NOTHING beats HB Halicki's original Gone in 60 Seconds for pure car destruction.
Warning: This video will make you wish they'd had a camera that could record better than 240p
This is just like the time I took my top off and got killed by Greg Kinnear!
The thing was quite the pussy magnet, literally. Here's one of my cat posing erotically on the hood.
I tried very hard to destroy my '69 Lincoln Continental, but all I did was knock the radiator into the fan blades. Bent the blades back, started right up, sold it the next day for $350.
Someone pushed the little red button.
He wasn't following too close, he just sucks ass at braking and paying proper attention.
The positive press coverage they got from the incident was alone worth the $2999 they lost. Now they've got hundreds of people watching their auctions just in case they do it again. :D
That is the biggest damn steering wheel ever fitted to a racing car.
Rule of thumb: don't stand in front of a car if you don't want to get run over.
Those are really wide drifts. My buddy in his Fox body did it better. Sadly, the video quality isn't great.