A professional race driver in a sports car can't outrun an F-150 with several hundred pounds in Autozone accessories? Sounds about right for shitty hick music videos.
Nice KTM! I have one identical to that, cept it has supermoto tires.
Used to see this a lot when I lived in California. When I'd pull up to a four way stop, come to a complete stop, and someone would try to roll through their sign, I'd just floor it and either cut them off, or come very close to T-boning them if they were faster than me. Either way, I got my point across: I drive a…
This gets my vote because he wasn't racing to begin with, and wasn't expecting a freak snow storm and semi trucks bearing down upon him.
This is like the third time this video has been posted on Jalopnik. What gives? Editors going senile?
...but why is this on Jalopnik. : /
Probably not parked illegally, as someone is in the driver's seat. Although perhaps it did get impounded by the city for blinding other motorists.
Three simple words: Will it drift?
One can only hope that there is a parallel universe somewhere in which the show is still on the air, or at least had a good few more seasons filmed.
I could go to the trouble to find a real wooden broomstick (instead of plastic), the nut, bolt, and nail, and then spend my time trying to build this. Or I could spend $40 and get a carbon fiber monopod off of ebay. As cheap as I am, I'd rather spend the $40 to support my $1000 camera. And besides, if I'm gonna DIY…
There is only one adjective that could accurate describe this scene: bonerific!
Did anyone else see the video and yell, "KITTY!"
Often you can find people locally who will do this for like $20, usually college kids. A buddy of mine did this in the evenings for some extra cash. He had his technique refined so that it only took him maybe half an hour total for both lights, including applying the wax or whatever compound he uses.
Definitely one of the better Shakedown episodes yet. Would like to have seen more detail and getting into pressures and temps, but this explored a topic that never really gets discussed much.
Watch when this thing gets entered in and WINS a Lemons race.
True, but this is neither fast or exciting. Maybe if it had more explosions or they did a barrel roll...
Als0, why the hell is this article on Jalopnik?
Careful not to get any retardant on the native Coloradans. They can't stand to lose any more brain mass. *rimshot*