
Mr. Trump, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may


It is every bullshit statement by the totally unprepared student who got called on in the back of the class.

“To name 5 countries in Africa.”

Because the question will be the last that news organization will be allowed to ask. Trump will tell them to shut up, bar them from future press conferences, and tell his sheep to boycott the organization via Twitter. All before taking the next question.

This is a fact. My immediate boss, who called me “one of the softies” and kept trying to talk to me about Hillary’s health, talks exactly like Trump. Lots of words, little content, endless asides, and no sign that he will ever express a clear, identifiable idea. He starts virtually every statement with something along

If one of my college students submitted this to me as his informative essay, it would get a D-. And that would be being generous. Nothing in that approaches a coherent thought.

“And really, that Stephon Urkell is tremendous, absolutely big league. I mean he isn’t Joey Gladstone from ‘Full House’, but he’s close. And let’s not forget that we’ve discovered that the Jackalope isn’t actually an animal. We’ve debunked that thanks to Fox News, such tremendous people over there. ”

8%. 4% of the women, 13% of the men.

Because they speak exactly like he does.

I dont understand why the press never ask him really specific questions. Ask him to name one black person other than Fredrick Douglass, MLK, Ben Carson, and that chick from the Apprentice. A work of literature by a black author he found inspiring. To name 5 countries in Africa.


If you remember I wasn’t going to do well with the African-American community, and after they heard me speaking and talking about the inner city and lots of other things, we ended up getting—and I won’t go into details—but we ended up getting substantially more than other candidates who had run in the past years.

I find it laughable that he derides the press for being unfair. He could be getting it so much worse. He’s a fucking moron and they pretend like what he says is rational and coherent.

Maybe he saw the Thomas Jefferson vs Fredrick Douglas Epic Rap Battles Of History video and got confused.

After the way the Trump Administration bungled the Holocaust Remembrance Day remarks, I fully expect his Black History Month remarks to focus on how everybody suffered during slavery, and we should also remember the slaveholders, who lost a lot of wealth when their property was emancipated.

I really don’t understand why the press isn’t properly trolling and baiting him, as he’ll fall for the hook every single time. Why not ask a question like “do you think there were a significant amount of African-Americans among the millions you claimed voted illegally in the past election?”, then sit back and watch

Cannot WAIT for him to refer to a Black foreign head of state as an African American.

I literally am unable to read his statements. Nothing flows, it’s all. Its has sentences that seem to. Start and end randomly.

I’ve heard drunk guys* slurring to an annoyed woman at a bar make more sense, indeed a more compelling argument than this.