
Wait a minute, what if the writer is just a really really really drunk Mike Holmes?

Isn’t the whole dystopian part of Aliens’ universe due to Weyland-Yutani Corp’s greed? If so, and if WYC doesn’t exist in this crossover, the xenomorphs would still work as an alien weapon planted on different planets by ancient advanced races - perfect for a TNG away team discovery. Or better yet: a new, poorly

Kind of a dangerous gamble too; generally speaking the best way to deal with a mentally ill person making threats is not by ‘calling their bluff.’ There are a lot of ways this could turn out here and only one of them is good. Either:

When my daughter was little, she asked me if there was really such a thing as monsters, and I had to truthfully tell her, “Yes, there are, but they don’t look like the monsters you see on TV, they look just like us”. I had to kill part of her innocence that day, and as a parent, it was one of the hardest things I

Geckos on the Moors

“I’m forever trapped in this hellhole of a power plant. Never to roam free on the magical island.”

This is like the perfect analogy for the uber-wealthy in their ivory towers (or concrete structure) vs. commoners maneuvering freely through the dirt..

More like Moored geckos amirite

that one?

I am so glad they didn’t keep the mouth in the final character design. Nothing annoys me more then octopuses with mouths.

Scorpius after a long night of pizza and Margarita shooters.

So much for “hey, my eyes are up here.”

The first few Enchantress pics are very Klimt- influenced


The mice think so.

So exactly like this, only from a mile up instead of 30 feet.

It’d be great if Curiosity could chop up the ESA lander for parts or at least take a selfie with it.