
The 1942 Vixen is just awful. She said Ray isn’t a hero because he wears a suit, which he invented while making physics his bitch. What makes her a hero? Oh, the amulet that was just given to her, which if she lost she could never recreate or even retrieve without help. I hated her, and her apology was even more

Okay, first they give Brandon Routh a blue and red costume that flies, then they put him in a blue Chris Reeve-style suit, then they make Ray a huge FDR/New Deal fan. I love this show, I love Ray, but they’re really making me sad that Routh isn’t Superman anymore.

I still think this show would be 400% more awesome if they dropped the time travel completely. Just make it a team up show set in 2016 that travels the world or something. It just causes too many problems/raises too many questions/provides too many copouts or retcons. Not to mention the incongruity with flash not even

Now I want a whole movie about this sheriff.

Wow. That is a truly artful distillation of the Hollywood reconciliation film. What is so often a blundering 90 minute story-arch is reduced to the barest; less than 6 minutes to build, utterly destroy and piece the bits back together - and done with great effect!

If you pause the trailer around here, you can see one of the Hammerhead cruiser’s Leia gifted to the Alliance in Star Wars Rebels.

It’s a very small connection, but man, its a connection nonetheless. :D

Hammerhead corvettes from Rebels:

Some are medical frigates. Some are Hammerhead corvettes that Leia gave to Phoenix Squadron in an episode or Rebels:

Rebel fleet in that shot! See it?

Jeez, JJ Abrams got his hands on this reboot too?!

Yep. I was the weird kid growing up in Redneckistan, and the ‘80s were not kind to misfits. Do not want.

Nice animation, but no thanks on going back.

I was that kid who got pushed away from the arcade machine by the bigger kid, only there wasn’t any guard to watch my back.

The bros of this era were the same as back then, only the ones in the 80's had mullets with rat tails; which in my opinion just made them that much

These three cosplaying as Kirk, Spock and McCoy form Star Trek IV:The Voyage Home were my favorite thing I saw all day. What you can’t see very well are the two inflatable whales they were carrying with them wherever they went.

The uncredited Doctor and Nurse are from the Twilight Zone episode “Eye of the Beholder”

Say “Its a trap!” one more time motherfuckers, i dare you.

It must be hell for him trying to organize his pictures. “This one was taken at some point in the last 40 years, but I have no idea when.”

Here’s what Patrick Stewart will actually look like in 2024.

“Don’t worry, he won’t remember this. I got him with the memory-erasing arrow.”

“To weird to start a potential franchise on.”

Now I need these pictures with the SDF1 Macross in the picture.