
Hondo should have been one of the pirates that confronted Han in TFA. Such a missed opportunity...

We really need to get a petition so we can force disney to make a Hondo movie! Just joking... Or am I...

It would be awesome if Hondo is a supporting character in the Han Solo movie. Seeing as that will take place at least a bit before rebels, so there isn’t going to be any continuity problems. And it would make sense as, Hondo is exactly the kind of guy Han would get mixed up with. Dang it!!! Why do I want the

hah! ...he said “true aim”.

The problem is that “civilization” is a word with a Eurocentric history. Its not as if cultures that lack writing lack history, its just that they tend to pass it down through oral traditions. And written histories are not necessarily more reliable than oral accounts. For instance, in Africa there was an oral history

Intriguingly, the authors of the new study uncovered genetic evidence that points to the existence of an unknown human species that interbred with anatomically modern humans as they migrated through Africa. 

We humans really love trying to remove things we should cherish.

Best line ever, Apocalypse to Angel: “I like this guy. He’s funky.”

Best line ever, Apocalypse to Xavier: “Pft, real mature.”

Being from Krypton gave him his powers.

Whatever you do DON'T clone the ancient being who just happened to be carrying an advanced piece of technology with him. It's just what he wants...

I’m pretty sure the pigeon coop has appeared multiple times before. IIRC, it was Bridget’s (aka Firefly) coop, and Selina decided to look after it after she “died”.

You know how to make the fastest man alive even faster?! Give him a couple hundred pounds of metal and carbon fiber to carry around!

Which is just another place where WB/DC has screwed up.

A thousand times this. The Flash costume from BvS, and even the way Ezra’s face looked in it, just looked not-very-Flashlike. Grant Gustin’s costume is a very nice slightly-darker-realistic version of the comics costume for sure, and while his face isn’t quite superhero-chiseled it still looks better in his cowl. But

I loved the “Agent of SHIELD” suit in Winter Solider, it looked like something someone in combat would wear while still looking like Captain America.

Now playing

I guess you could say, we’re in trouble?

I still think Grant is better than Ezra.

Hmmm. You know what looks a LOT like The Flash?
