
Oh my ,....They are right .....that Axanar trailer makes us look like sh-t!

If I lived in the New-Trek-verse, I’d be scared all the time, too. That place is awful.

I realize it’s probably a hand weapon, but it looks like Spock is carrying a toy spaceship while he and McCoy stagger through the wilderness.

So, is Chris Pine playing James Kirk or Roy Fokker in this thing?

Well, at some point we’re going to have to send somebody out there to clean it up.

Lab techs and research assistants are cheaper than gas masks. I thought everybody knew that.

It’s a cover.

James, you had me excited for two blissful seconds that Nickelodeon was continuing the Avatar cycle. I am afraid you have consequently ruined my day. ;)

The studio is looking gorgeous? Legend of Korra is getting a new movie? That’s some mutilated title there...

Wait is Legend of Korra getting a new movie? I’m confused by this headline.

I was an event planner in Seattle and scheduled a lot of parties-weddings-corporate living dirges at the aquarium. That octopus (initially red, male, devious) was a frickin' MIND FLAYER compared to other creatures of the sea. He is why I don't eat them anymore - they're just TOO damn smart and cool. I am also

ZERO interest in a finding nemo sequel, HOWEVER, coffee octopus is awesome.

I love the idea of DC or Marvel doing their own digital newspaper/magazine covering the big and small events that occur within their universes. From interviews with the heroes and their civilian personas to movie reviews and opinion pieces. It would be a great way to keep fans up to date and informed while also being

The original death of Superman felt like a legitimate event. I was young enough that comics were still MAGICAL magical, rather than just being great storytelling. The idea that SUPERMAN could DIE was huge for me and my friends.

1. Luke was supposed to have a bigger role, but they didn’t want to overshadow new characters.

Is this another “aliens that look just like humans, because swiftly explained reasons, with the exception of one special effect an episode to remind us” show? meh.

Pictured: The bloodthirsty alien helping a government agency hunt down alien terrorists.

Cool. Wish he could also make a Ms. Nesbit / Drunk Tony Stark variant. That would be a fitting mashup.

Now playing

“... the aliens are all just cotton candy.”

The knights battered, decimated, bloodied but unbroken stared with hellfire in their eyes and a prayer on their lips.