
She has been betrayed, accused, poisoned stabbed, and shot at. She has fought against sith lords and dark apprentices, She has stood the line in a hundred battles and is still standing. Do not count her out; she will not go gently. Molan labe and let him come.

Ashley Ecktein deserves a round of applause for her voice work as Ahsoka over the years because holy hell.

Ahhhhhhh the feels! Ahsoka my sweet badass little Padawan. I feel like the creators care about her that regardless what happens, they will do right by her character.

The 1990 TMNT film remains a good film that I occasionally rewatch to this day. The characters, the sets, the fight scenes, the dialog, everything comes together well.

God, I still miss him.

THIS is the Shredder. Simple, elegant, while at the same time, still looking menacing and evil.

That photo up there looks like an abortion from G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra.

The answer to your final question is in that photo: Jim Henson.

Because Jim Henson, that's why.

“The original wasn’t bad”...? The original version of Shredder was absolutely horrendous, just like the god awful depictions of the Turtles (hulking quarterbacks?) and the entire movie itself. At least they seem to know that the original was shit, but it doesn’t make them capable of making a better film. It’s Platinum

Is it possible Michael Bay has learned his lesson?

I’d like to see another version of this.

Now playing

If you haven’t seen this—check this out. It is incredibly impressive and hard to understand the scale of this calving event (scale can be seen at 3:45):

I need a subreddit or tumblr blog dedicated to this.

Battlestar Galactica just made it impossible for me not to giggle at any of those pro-fracking commercials you hear on the radio. “People have been fracking on my family’s property for years.” *snort*

He looks so happy.

In his house at R’yleh, dead Cthulhu waits shredding.

That first picture got me thinking about the Fukushima 50 again. The deftness by which the Japanese have handled this disaster is unparalleled. And all the people that have been working to clean up and make the plant safe again are far braver and more selfless than I.

Another great way to reduce suffering and casualties in war is to not go to war. These guys always talk like it’s the only viable option to settle disputes.